Heavy Flavor Theory Yukinao Akamatsu (Nagoya/KMI) 2013/07/30PHENIX PHENIX Workshop on Physics Prospects with Detector and Accelerator
Content 1.Introduction 2.Production 3.Heavy Quarks in Medium 4.Quarkonia in Medium 5.Conclusion & Outlook 2013/07/30PHENIX
1. Introduction QGP Fireball 2013/07/30PHENIX Photon Dilepton Heavy quark Quarkonium Quark-gluon matter Jet Equation of state Collective modes Color charges in medium Opacity of medium Chiral symmetry restoration Collective modes
Factorization Convolution of each process 2013/07/30PHENIX Medium evolution interaction productionevolution Nuclear collision π,K,p,… D,e,μ,… observables Energy loss Diffusion Heavy quarks Quarkonia
2. Production Parton distribution functions Matrix elements by pQCD Formation of bound states and Nuclear effects … 2013/07/30PHENIX
HQ production in p+p FONLL calculation 2013/07/30PHENIX Cacciari et al (06) PHENIX (06)
QQbar production in p+p Color singlet/octet/evaporation models – Bound state formation = non-perturbative process 2013/07/30PHENIX p T (GeV/c) =COM PHENIX (11)
3. Heavy Quarks in Medium Energy loss and diffusion Many approaches (list strong points) – Perturbation theory: clear elementary processes – AdS/CFT: analytical exact result for SYM – Lattice QCD: exact within error bars – Resonant scattering model: non-pert. model 2013/07/30PHENIX
Heavy quark energy loss & diffusion Perturbation theory Horowitz (10) Inelastic scattering Elastic scattering Braaten & Thoma (91) Moore & Teaney (05) Non-relativistic limit: Brownian motion Svetitsky (88) Moore & Teaney (05) Caron-Huot et al (08,09) 2013/07/30PHENIX production In-medium energy loss L HTL
Heavy quark energy loss & diffusion AdS/CFT correspondence Gubser 06, Herzog et al (06) Non-relativistic limit: Brownian motion Casalderrey-Solana & Teaney (06) Son & Teaney (09) 2013/07/30PHENIX production L
Heavy quark diffusion constant Lattice QCD simulation Current correlator (Kubo formula) Quench approximation Ding et al (11) PHENIX
Heavy quark diffusion constant Lattice QCD simulation Force correlator (M ∞) Banerjee et al (12) Quench approximation Statistical errors (red) Systematic errors (green) Renormalization of electric field 2013/07/30PHENIX
Phenomenology Diffusion constant Pert. ( LO,NLO ) AdS/CFTlatticeRHICLHC DT0.4(NLO)-5(LO) ?? Gubser (07) 2013/07/30PHENIX STAR (07) PHENIX (07) Akamatsu et al (09) Pert. ( LO,NLO ) AdS/CFTlatticeRHICLHC DT0.4(NLO)-5(LO) ?
Phenomenology Diffusion constant Pert. ( LO,NLO ) AdS/CFTlatticeRHICLHC DT0.4(NLO)-5(LO) ? 2013/07/30PHENIX Gubser (07) ALICE (QM12) Single electrons ALICE (12) ALICE (QM12) D mesons
Azimuthal correlation Initial back-to-back correlation decrease 2013/07/30 PHENIX Akamatsu et al (09) Electron-muon correlation to reduce background
Azimuthal correlation Initial back-to-back correlation decrease 2013/07/30 PHENIX Nahrgang et al (13) Radiative vs collision Adare et al (13) Sensitivity to coupling at high temperature
4. Quarkonia in Medium Potential – Free energy – Real-time potential complex by decoherence Dynamics – Open quantum system – Quantum Brownian motion – Quantum optics 2013/07/30PHENIX
Free energy Lattice simulation 2013/07/30PHENIX Maezawa et al (12) Nf=2+1, improved Wilson fermion, Tc~190
Real-time potential Potential in Schrödinger equation 2013/07/30PHENIX σ(ω;R,T) ω V(R,T)V(R,T) Γ(R,T)Γ(R,T) Laine et al (07), Beraudo et al (08), Brambilla et al (10), Rothkopf et al (12) Some phenomenological applications using complex potential
Real-time potential Potential in Schrödinger equation 2013/07/30PHENIX σ(ω;R,T) ω V(R,T)V(R,T) Γ(R,T)Γ(R,T) Some phenomenological applications using complex potential
Real-time potential Complex potential as 2013/07/30PHENIX Unitary & stochastic evolution Imaginary part from averaging the random phase rotations Akamatsu & Rothkopf (12) So far M=∞; what about M<∞?
Classical picture of the open system M=∞ or M<∞ matters 22 Debye screened force + Fluctuation Drag force Langevin dynamics M=∞M=∞ M<∞M<∞ (stochastic/complex) Potential force Hamiltonian dynamics Non-potential force Not Hamiltonian dynamics 2013/07/30PHENIX Svetitsky (88) Young & Shuryak (09) Quantum counter part: Akamatsu (13)
Open quantum system Basics /07/30PHENIX Hilbert space von Neumann equation Trace out the environment Reduced density matrix Master equation (Markovian limit) sys = heavy quarks env = gluons, light quarks
Quantum Brownian motion Langevin dynamics + Debye screening 2013/07/30PHENIX Q Q g q q g g... Independent scatterings... Leading order processes Akamatsu (13) Shallow bound states & unbound states
Quantum optics Level transitions 2013/07/30PHENIX Borghini & Gombeaud (11,12) Deep bound states
5. Summary & Outlook Single HQs: energy loss & diffusion lots of phenomenological works R AA, v 2, and azimuthal correlation Quarkonia: open quantum system complex potential triggers a paradigm shift quantum BM & quantum optics 2013/07/30PHENIX
2013/07/30PHENIX Backup
Factorization Heavy quarks 2013/07/30PHENIX 流体時空発展 interaction productionevolution Nuclear collision π,K,p,… D,e,μ,… observables Energy loss Diffusion
Factorization Quarkonia 2013/07/30PHENIX 流体時空発展 interaction productionevolution Nuclear collision π,K,p,… D,e,μ,… observables
Phenomenology Diffusion constant Pert. ( LO,NLO ) AdS/CFTlatticeRHICLHC DT0.4(NLO)-5(LO) ? Gubser (07) STAR (07) PHENIX (07) Akamatsu et al (09) 2013/07/30PHENIX
Phenomenology Diffusion constant Pert. ( LO,NLO ) AdS/CFTlatticeRHICLHC DT0.4(NLO)-5(LO) ? 2013/07/30PHENIX Gubser (07) ALICE (QM12) Single electrons
Phenomenology Diffusion constant 2013/07/30PHENIX Gubser (07) Pert. ( LO,NLO ) AdS/CFTlatticeRHICLHC DT0.4(NLO)-5(LO) ? ALICE (12) ALICE (QM12) D mesons