Choosing the Right Word Module Fifteen Copyright © 2014 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Choosing the Right Words Accurate Words Mean what you say. Appropriate Words Convey the attitudes you want. 15-2
Does using the right word really matter? Denotation A word’s literal or dictionary meaning. Pound denotes weight, an animal shelter, a unit of money, or to hit. 15-3
Does using the right word really matter? Bypassing When two people use the same word to mean different things. 15-4
Does using the right word really matter? Connotation The emotional colorings or associations that accompany a word. Preowned has a more positive connotation than used. 15-5
Does using the right word really matter? Use familiar words that are in almost everyone’s vocabulary. Short, common words sound friendlier. 15-6
Does using the right word really matter? Four exceptions 1.Use a long word if it is the only word that expresses your meaning exactly 2.Use a long word or phrase if it is more familiar than a short word 3.Use a long word if its connotations are more appropriate 4.Use a long word if the discourse community prefers it. 15-7
Thinking Critically In its most basic sense, critical thinking means using precise words and asking questions about what you read and hear. In its most advanced sense, critical thinking means asking about and challenging fundamental assumptions. 15-8
Is it OK to use jargon? The first kind of jargon is the specialized terminology of a technical field The second kind of jargon is business jargon sometimes called businessese as per your request, enclosed please find, please do not hesitate. 15-9
Getting Rid of Business Jargon 15-10