Senior English 1/9/12 What is the difference between abstract and concrete? What are some examples that are relevant to your life? What is the difference between here and there? Plook – the Scottish word for a nasty pimple or boil. Goals - Focus on concrete and abstract terms. Then work on establishing criteria. Homework – none.
Senior English 1/10/12 Give it an understanding, but no tongue. Shakespeare, Hamlet What is worse than “raining cats and dogs?” Papuliferous – pimply. Goals - Learn how to establish criteria for abstract terms. Discuss how acronyms, technical jargon, and synonims get in the way of clear communication. Homework – Complete both practices if you haven’t by the end of class.
Senior English 1/11/12 How could technical jargon and synonyms cause communications trouble? See page 33 and 34. How can you name the capitol of all the states in less than a minute? Podobromhidrosis – smelly feet. Goals - Learn the basic structure of a three part sentence definition. Homework – None.
Senior English 1/12/12 Try to define the word examination. What difficulties are you encountering? What word if pronounced right is wrong but if pronounced wrong is right? Circadian – having to do with daily bodily cycles. Goals - Understand the how groups and details work in a “three-part sentence definition.” Also, why we should use them. Homework – Complete all practices from page 36 and 37 if you didn’t get it done in class. Don’t forget to study for quiz #18 tomorrow.
Senior English 1/13/12 Five minutes to study for quiz #18. What happens when two city peanuts go for a walk in the evening? Pygia – a pain in the rump. Goals – Successfully complete vocab. #18. Figure out groups in three part definitions. Homework – none