John Steinbeck An American Author
A California Native 1902: Born in Salinas to a prominent middle- class family : Attended Stanford University; did not receive a degree. Worked as a laborer, journalist, and caretaker.
Inspired Author Growing up in the “salad bowl” of the nation, he developed a deep appreciation for nature. Heartbroken and horrified by the conditions in which migrant workers lived, much of his writing, focuses on their lives and struggles.
Prolific Writer Steinbeck composed over 30 published works, including fiction, non-fiction, and drama. Written in 1939, The Grapes of Wrath is considered his masterpiece.
Steinbeck Country
Of Mice and Men Of Mice and Men was published in 1937 (two years before The Grapes of Wrath). Inspired by an old Scottish poem, “To a Mouse.”
“To a Mouse” “But Mousie, you are not alone In proving that foresight may be vain: The best laid schemes (plans) of mice and men Go oft astray (often go awry) And leave us nothing but grief and pain Instead of promised joy!” The narrator comes across a small, helpless animal, whose fate lies in his hands. –The man is friendly and caring, like Lennie to his pets, Candy to his dog, and George to Lennie. As the poems finishes, coming back to the man, to his world, we are left with sadness and loneliness. –Several of the characters withdraw from their dreams and accept solitude.
Character List George Milton – migrant worker, Lennie’s best friend / care-taker, physically small, intelligent, “paradise lost” Slim – mule driver, leader on the ranch, quiet, respected, understands Lennie and George, philosopher, Steinbeck? Lennie Small – migrant worker, George’s best friend, physically huge and strong, mild mental disability, kind Curley – boss’s son, fighter, aggressive, mean, jealous, confrontational, macho, snob, bully
Character List, cont. Crooks – stable-hand, physically disabled (crooked), Black, isolated, likes Lennie, wants to be a part of Lennie and George’s dream Carlson – ranch hand, takes care of Candy’s dog, typical Curley’s Wife – dreamed of being an actress, only woman on the ranch, abused, victim, desperately lonely, represents all women Candy – ranch handyman, physically disabled, wants to be a part of Lennie and George’s dreams, a “candy” – without guts
Themes, Motifs, and Symbols The American Dream –The American Dream is unattainable; the American Dream is a myth/illusion. –The American Dream is freedom, security, self-reliance, protection, independence. –Symbol: George and Lennie’s farm.
Themes, Motifs, and Symbols Dreams –We are unable to fulfill our dreams because of our own actions and thoughts. –Symbols: George, Candy, Crooks, Lennie. Fate –You can only fight your fate for so long. –Symbols: George and Lennie.
Themes, Motifs, and Symbols Human Nature –People are pack animals; isolation does bad things to people. –Humans are predatory in nature; the weak / anomalous are rejected / preyed upon. –Symbols: Curley’s wife, Crooks, Candy, Lennie.
Themes, Motifs, and Symbols Fraternity and Women –It is possible for men to have idealized friendships/relationships. –There is no place for women in an idealized world of fraternal friendships. Women ruin everything! –Symbols: George and Lennie, Curley’s wife.
Themes, Motifs, and Symbols Strength and Weakness –The “strong” will “take care of” the “weak”. –Does physical or mental strength give one power? –Symbols: Candy’s dog, Carlson, George, Lennie, Curley, Lennie’s puppy.
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