By John Steinbeck “Maybe ever’body in the whole damn world is scared of each other.”
Learning Objectives: The relationship between Lennie & George. Curley’s Wife’s loneliness. Curley’s wife’s failed dreams. How Crooks, Candy, Lennie & Curley’s wife interact. Chapter V
Why does Lennie get angry with the puppy after killing it? What does the fact that he’s now killed the puppy tell us about the impossibility of his dream? Lennie
‘The whole country is full of mutts’ (Curley’s Wife) What might be the double meaning of a line like this? ‘Seems like ain’t none of them cares how I gotta live.’ Why is this important? Lennie and Curley’s Wife
‘I coulda made somethin’ of myself.’ Why is this line particularly important to tell us about her character. Also why does it suggest that she is in a worse position then the others. Why does she hurry through the story? Lennie and Curley’s Wife
Summarise Curley’s Wife’s dream. Curley’s Wife’s Dream