The First Archetypal Fall Adam & Eve
Description of the Garden of Eden: Planted Eastward in Eden Tree of Life (gives everlasting life) and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the middle of the garden A river ran through the garden and parted into four different rivers once it left the garden: -Pison -Gihon (from Ethiopia) -Hiddekel (ancient name of the Tigris) -Euphrates Man and Woman were placed in the garden to take care of it
The Gift of Choice: The First Command There is only one thing in the garden that Adam and Eve cannot eat: The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil The penalty for disobeying this command is death… “for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” Adam is the only one who actually hears this command from God; it becomes his duty to tell Eve after she is created of the command of God.
The Creation of Woman, Adam’s Mate Woman means “out of man” since she was created from Adam’s rib (from his side to show she was equal) Adam names all the animals and then gets to name the new creation, and he chooses “Woman.” She doesn’t get another name until after the Fall. Both Adam and Eve were naked and did not know it because they were completely innocent.
The Temptation and Fall of Man The animals in the Garden of Eden must have been able to talk because Eve showed no surprise when the serpent began talking to her. Eve may have been approached first because she did not directly receive the command from God and thus it may not have had as much of an impression with her. Adam and Eve did not eat an apple, it was a fruit. Adam chose to eat the fruit; it was not forced on him.
The Curses Adam and Eve both instinctively blamed someone else for their sin: Adam blamed God and Eve blamed the serpent. Serpent’s Curse: -to crawl on his belly and eat the dust of the ground -Emnity (hatred) between woman and snakes Woman’s Curse: -pain in childbirth -submissive to man Man’s Curse: -work the ground…weeds will now grow -death
The Expulsion God killed the first animals for their skin to provide clothes and food. Adam renames Woman to Eve since he now knows she will be the mother of all living. Man has to be kicked out of the garden because if he ate of the Tree of Life, he would gain eternal life again. A Cherubim (warrior angel) guarded the gate of the Garden of Eden with a flaming sword.