Student: Brianna Essaye Grade: M2 Subject: Health and Physical Education Teacher: Ms. Lindsay Spencer
You and a friend are at a party. Before the party, your friend arranges with her parents to get a ride home for you both at the end of the evening. When it is time to leave, her/his brother and a friend arrive to pick you up instead of his/her parents. You notice that both boys have been drinking and there is even an open bottle of beer in the car. It isn't very far to your house though.
Identify the Problem This problem may have something to do with underage drinking but the problem does not say what the age the boys that are picking up the two friends are. The problem also has to do with drinking and driving. Alternatives to Solve the Problem 1. You could tell them that, you and your friend just wants to get some fresh air after the party and walk home. 2. You could tell the boys in the car that it is ok for the ride. And that you and your friend are going to stay a bit longer to have fun with their friends. And that the boys in the car can go and have fun by themselves. When/if they leave, you call your parents and tell them what happened and ask them to come and get you. If the boys don’t leave, than you just say you left something inside and go and call your parents.
Choosing which Alternative is Better/Safer to Solve the Problem I think that both ideas are good. But both ideas still involve the boys driving the car while they are drinking/drunk. Which is not very safe for anyone that is driving on the road. The boys could get in an accident and kill someone because they are really careless. Both ideas, are safe for you and the friend but one involves getting your parents involved. Some people would not want to get their parents involved to show their parents that they are responsible. I would choose alternative #2 because your parents can help you get out of the situation. Alternative #1 can involve someone taking you/reaping you because you are alone at night walking around the streets to get home. When you are in the car with you parents, you are a lot safer. Impact of the Decision The boys are being illegal by drinking and driving. You are getting your parents involved in the situation. And you are keeping yourself and your friend safe from people and getting in a car accident with the boys in the car.
Change of your Decision Once Understood of the Impact I would not change my decision because then you would start to feel unsure of what to do. Then you would get nervous and start to do the wrong thing. You need to pick a solution to do. And do what ever it takes to complete the solution so you aren't in any danger or pressured by your friends to give in and take the car ride home with the boys who are drinking and driving while they are drunk. It puts you and your friend in a bad position. So you need to figure out a way out of it so you aren’t pressured to give in.
You and a friend have just watched a movie. You are leaving the cinema and notice a group of popular kids from your school who are all smoking. You stop to talk. You and your friend are offered cigarettes.
Identify the Problem This problem might have something to do with underage smoking but the problem does not say how old the people (popular kids and friend) are. So the problem could have underage smoking. Alternatives to Solve the Problem 1. You could tell your friends that you have homework or something and that you had to go. 2. You could tell your friends that you don’t like to smoke and that it is bad for your body. 3. You could tell your friends that you don’t fell good and that you are going to go home.
Choosing which Alternative is Better/Safer to Solve the Problem I would choose alternative #3 because that is the easiest way to get away and go home with out any questions. You friends might call you a wimp but if they do than they are really not your friends. And they are risking something dangerous for your health and body. If they say that you are a wimp, you can just go and find friends that aren’t mean because you won’t smoke with them. Alternative #1is not that good because your friends might call you a nerd and a goody-goody. Alternative #2 is not that good because your friends might mean things to you. So all of the alternatives have something to do with name calling but name calling is better than reining your body/health forever. Impact of Decision The friends and popular kids might be underage smoking which is illegal. But it is not illegal fore sure because the problem does not say how old the friends and popular kids are.
Change of your Decision Once Understood the Impact I would walk home or call my parents to pick me up. If my friend has his/her license, I would probably ask her if she could drive me home and if she said no than I would call my parents. But on thing I would not do is go back to my friends and smoke with them. Once you choose your decision, than you never ever change it unless you are in trouble and there is a chance of you getting hurt or harming your body.
A few of your friends often pitch-in together to buy a pack of beer. Today, they want you to kick in some money to help buy that pack. You don’t drink and feel it's unfair that you should have to pitch-in for their booze. Besides, you have been trying to save your money to buy a really cool snowboard. They start accusing you of being cheap and tell you to get lost if you don't want to be part of the group.
Identify the Problem This problem might involve drinking and driving because if they want to go somewhere after they have had some beer to drink than they would be drunk while they were driving. Alternatives to Solve the Problem 1. You could walk away and go home. 2. You could speak up and say that you don’t have to put money in the pot for it if you are not going to have an of it. If they tell you to get lost say that they are being unfair and that you have the right to be wherever you want in the world. Choosing which Alternative is Better/Safer to Solve the Problem I would choose alternative #1 because than you get to keep you money and not spend it.
Impact of Decision You would not get in trouble for anything but you are risking your friends getting arrested if they get caught for drinking and driving. Your friends could get in a car accident if they drive while they are drunk (drinking and driving). Change of your Decision Once Understood the Impact I would tell them that they could get hurt and that it is not a smart idea. I would also tell them that they could get arrested.
Most of the people in your family smoke, so you have easy access to cigarettes. Every once in a while, your friends pressure you to steal a pack from home. You've stolen the packages a few times, but you are feeling very guilty and know that you would be in BIG trouble if you were ever caught. You would like to back out of this situation without creating any sore feelings from your friends.
Identify the Problem This problem has to do with underage smoking. Alternatives to Solve the Problem 1. You could say that your parents found some of the packs of cigarettes missing and got a new safe to keep them locked up from you and your friends so you could not get any. 2. You could say that you can’t because your parents might quit smoking and they notice more when one of the cigarette packs are missing. Choosing which Alternative is Better/Safer to Solve the Problem I would choose alternative #1 because than it keeps your friends from asking questions and than you don’t have to get the packs of cigarettes for your friends.
Impact of Decision There is not really an impact of the decision unless, one of your friends goes and talks to your parents about it (than it impacts your parents). If you did give the cigarettes to your friends than it would be illegal and your friends might be endanger of some sort. Change of your Decision Once Understood the Impact I would not change my decision because I think the solution I chose is the best way to solve the problem. Of course there is a better solution that someone else can think of but this solution is the best solution I could think of.
You and your friends are having fun playing basketball. Another friend arrives a little later and start talking to two of the other friends. The three of them motion to the rest of the group to join them off to the side. They light a marijuana cigarette and pass it around. The cigarette comes to you.
Identify the Problem This problem has to do with underage smoking. Alternatives to Solve the Problem 1. You could just pass it on. 2. You could say that you just want to play basketball or something. Choosing which Alternative is Better/Safer to Solve the Problem I would choose alternative #1 because it is much easier to solve the problem. But alternative #2 is not a bad way to solve the solution because than you could just walk away and go start to play basketball. So overall, I would choose alternative #1.
Impact of Decision This solution impacts your friends because they might be endanger from the cannabis. But you have no control over what they do, all you can do is tell them the impacts of what the cannabis does to you. Change of your Decision Once Understood the Impact I would not change my decision because it is a good way to not take the cannabis and be able to stay with your friends instead of walking away.