Development indicators: Comparing countries.  Title:  Development indicators: Comparing countries  Date: 06/10/2016  Lesson Aims:  To use our knowledge.


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Presentation transcript:

Development indicators: Comparing countries

 Title:  Development indicators: Comparing countries  Date: 06/10/2016  Lesson Aims:  To use our knowledge of development indicators to compare development in different countries.

Lesson starter:  You are going to see three pictures.  For each of them you must write down:  The location. (Guess if you don’t know)  Anything you know about the development of the country.

Location: Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Level of development? Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Level of development? Location: Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo Level of development?

Comparison task.  We are going to look at the three countries that were in the pictures for the lesson starter and compare their development.  To do this we are going to use a great tool: Google public data.

Task:  Use the worksheet provided and find out as much as you can about the development of the countries.  You must record the data in your jotter and answer any questions in full sentences.

Google public data.  To get on Google public data simply type in “World Development Indicators and Global Development” into the Google search engine.

Google public data.

This is where you can change the development indicators. This is where you can choose the countries.

Warning!!!  If this should fail:  Visit the CIA world factbook.  world-factbook/ world-factbook/  You can find out all you need to know from there.

Lesson plenary  Close your jotters and pack away, but stay in your seats.  Board of knowledge: You are going to be given a pen and you must come up and write one thing on the whiteboard with that pen then pass it on.  The question is on the next slide.

 Question:  What have you learnt about the development of the countries that you have compared today?