Research agenda for the BSA Focusing on the Game Plan Daniel Warren, Ph.D. Team Lead, Research & Evaluation BSA National Service Center
Overarching Goal: Align and focus our efforts to support meaningful organizational growth within the BSA Create an evaluation model which accurately informs all BSA of progress and aligns vision Question assumptions Understand limits to generalizability
Game Plan Organization Growth Membership
Key Outcome: Organization Growth Increase Exploring membership Increase number of recruited Cub Scouts Increase number of new Chartered Units Increase range of membership through Innovation
Game Plan Increase Exploring membership Increase number of recruited Cub Scouts Increase number of new Chartered Units Increase range of membership through Innovation IT Revamp High Quality Leadership High Adventure Utilization Program Innovation Current Exploring Membership Current Cub Scout Membership Current Chartered Units Current unserved populations
Supporting Outcome: IT Revamp Specifically as it relates to: My Scouting Tools Scout Book Commissioner Tools Home Page: Online Retail Page:
Supporting Outcome: High Quality Leadership Examine attributes of leaders in highly “successful” groups (councils, units, departments). Recognize and integrate volunteer staff How do succession plans affect our ability to sustain high levels of quality leadership? Bridging the organizational culture and relationship gaps between Local Councils and the National Service Center Reflect diversity at all levels of the organization Increase local council board diversity by 10% over 2015 actuals Increase employee diversity by 10% over the 2015 actuals Increase membership diversity by 2% over the 2015 actuals
Supporting Outcome: Program Innovation Create a system for innovation through pilot programs Base the system on the following criteria: Does the pilot build capacity for our traditional programs through reaching new markets? Is the pilot sustainable? Do we have the infrastructure to support the pilot? How do the outcomes compare to the outcomes of the traditional programs? CitizenshipCharacterFitness Leadership
Supporting Outcome: High Adventure Utilization Integrate all four High Adventure bases into BSA culture and understand their individual and collective impact to Scouting Through consistent marketing and promotion, communicate the life- changing activities available at our four High- Adventure bases. Focus on attendance growth at the Summit
Game Plan Increase Exploring membership Increase number of recruited Cub Scouts Increase number of new Chartered Units Increase range of membership through Innovation IT Rehaul High Quality Leadership High Adventure Utilization Program Innovation Current Exploring Membership Current Cub Scout Membership Current Chartered Units Current unserved populations
Underlying Principles associated with the BSA Theory of Change BSA Principles Values MethodsOutcomes Youth Adults Program
PYD Alignment Organization Growth Key Tenets Big Three The Cs of PYD Membership
PYD Alignment Increase in Wellness Increase in Character & Leadership Increase in Engagement Increase in Future Mindedness / Hopeful Future Increase in Value Proposition Key Tenets Big Three The Cs of PYD Current Status of Youth Current Status of Volunteers Current Status of Professionals Current Status of Groups Current Status of Program Quality
How can BSA principles be measured at both the individual and contextual level? How do we tie the great range of information together? How do changes at the program level affect development at the individual level?
Research Questions Related to Program Implementation and Effectiveness Fidelity of BSA programs BSA program effectiveness/ outcomes Dosage (frequency, duration, and intensity)
What are the features of the settings in which BSA programs are delivered that contribute to positive outcomes? What modifications may need to be made to BSA programs to best serve the needs of diverse youth? How can input from participating youth and staff be incorporated into the design and implementation of BSA program evaluations? Research Questions Related to Program Implementation and Effectiveness
Research/Evaluation within the National Service Center Assess the current research portfolio Convey the research agenda to all departments within the BSA Develop lines of communication between research and other departments for support Develop sample network for research Develop database of studies conducted and research requests
Research/Evaluation Action Steps Convey interest of the BSA to partner on research Develop partnerships with Universities, research groups, and other youth serving agencies to enhance the research of both BSA and the field in general Broker relationships with councils Develop sample network for research
Research/Evaluation Goals Game Plan Support and inform the Game Plan Testing assumptions Provide relevant, timely, and understandable research Focus on constantly adding to a comprehensive assessment of the BSA Need to ground programmatic elements to individual level development
“Every man is in certain respects like all other men, like some other men, [and] like no other man.” - Murry & Kluckhohn
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” - Heraclitus
“Problem-free is not fully prepared." - Karen Pittman
To find the right answers, we need your questions. What do you wonder about? What information is helpful to your council/unit? How do your questions support the Game Plan & organizational growth?