May STAR Reports Preview1 May 26, 2010 Webcast starts at 9:00 a.m.
May STAR Reports Preview STAR Reports Preview Agenda Objectives: Identify what reports districts receive and what to do with them. Shipment Schedule and Packaging Student Reports –CSTs (California Standards Tests) –CMA (California Modified Assessment) –CAPA (California Alternate Performance Assessment) –STS (Standards-based Tests in Spanish) Individual Reports Summary Reports Data CD
When will report information be delivered? What?When? Paper reportsBy August 6 (if tests returned by July 1) Internet reportsMid-August Post-Test Guide Posted Hard copy delivered End of July After August 18 Post-Test Workshop Web castAugust 11 May STAR Reports Preview3
May STAR Reports Preview4 Shipment Schedule and Packaging Single Administration Districts One shipment of reports contains: –All individual reports including Student Reports for CST, CMA, CAPA, and STS –Student Report interpretation guides English only, except for STS (English and Spanish) –All summary reports –Unmatched reports –Data CD –EAP Roster (if applicable) –DVD-ROM containing Student Report PDFs (if ordered on Processing Form)
May STAR Reports Preview5 Shipment Packaging Multiple Administration Districts One shipment per administration Early shipment(s) contain: –Student Reports CST, CMA, CAPA, and STS –Interpretation guides –Student Master List –Student Record Labels –Unmatched reports –Data CD –EAP Roster (if applicable) –DVD-ROM containing Student report PDFs (if ordered on Processing Form) Note: Summary (aggregated) reports are not available for early shipments.
May STAR Reports Preview6 Shipment Packaging Multiple Administration Districts Final shipment contains: –All remaining individual reports including Student Reports (CST, CMA, CAPA, and STS) –Interpretation guides –All summary (aggregated) reports –Unmatched reports –Data CD –EAP Roster (if applicable) –DVD-ROM containing Student Report PDFs (if ordered on Processing Form)
Student Reports CST, CMA, CAPA, and STS Receive two report copies for each test students took –Send one report to parent/guardian within 20 working days of receipt –Forward school shipment, which contains second copy for students’ current teacher May STAR Reports Preview7
May STAR Reports Preview8 CST Student Report Example
May STAR Reports Preview9 STAR Student Report Address on LEFT –Same position as the 2009 STAR Student Report and the CAHSEE student report –#10 left window envelope –Address includes POSTNET barcode Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) (“Student #”) and local identification number (“Local ID #”) printed Student name printed on front and back
CST, 3−8 CMA, CAPA, and 2−7 STS Student Reports Front May STAR Reports Preview10 Scale scores Performance levels CST Grade 7 Example
CST, 3−8 CMA, and 2−7 STS Student Report Back: Reporting Clusters Number and Percent correct Comparison to statewide proficient scores May STAR Reports Preview11 CST Grade 7 Example
May STAR Reports Preview12 CMA Student Report Example
May STAR Reports Preview13 Scale scores and performance levels for –ELA –Science Percent correct for –Algebra I CMA Grade 8 Student Report Front
CMA Grade 8 Student Report Back Reporting clusters for ELA and Science –Number and Percent Correct –Comparison to statewide proficient scores Description of CMA May STAR Reports Preview14
May STAR Reports Preview15 Front—Percent correct for the overall content area for each test taken Back—Description of CMA CMA Grade 10 Example CMA 9–11 Student Report
May STAR Reports Preview16 CAPA Student Report Example
May STAR Reports Preview17 STS Student Report Example
May STAR Reports Preview18 STS 8−11 Student Report Front Number/percent correct for the overall content area STS Grade 11 Example
STS 8−11 Student Report Back Individual reporting clusters for each test taken May STAR Reports Preview19 STS Grade 11 Example
May STAR Reports Preview20 Student Record Labels Put in students’ permanent record Includes SSID number and, if provided, local student ID number Available for: –CSTs/CMA –CAPA –STS
May STAR Reports Preview21 CST/CMA Record Label CST/CMA Grade 3 Example
May STAR Reports Preview22 CAPA Record Label CAPA Grade 5 Example
May STAR Reports Preview23 STS Record Label STS Grade 8 Example
Student Master List File that contains details of results for each student For CSTs (grades 2−11), CMA (grades 3−8), STS (grades 2−7), includes: –Scale scores –Performance levels –Percent correct for each reporting cluster For CMA (grades 9−11) includes: –Percent correct for each content area For STS (grades 8−11) includes: –Percent correct for each content area –Percent correct for each reporting cluster May STAR Reports Preview24
May STAR Reports Preview25 Student Master List Sort Sequence School Grade Test type –CSTs/CMA –CAPA –STS Alphabetical order by last name Note: STS data are NOT matched with CST, CMA data.
May STAR Reports Preview26 Student Master List CSTs/CMA Grade 3 Example
May STAR Reports Preview27 Summary Reports Review statistics on reports and use to develop reports for your school or district –Do NOT compare across grades or across subjects. Student Master List Summary –Includes CSTs, CMA, CAPA, and STS results Student Master List Summary: End-of-course (EOC) –Includes EOC results for CSTs, CMA, and STS Subgroup Summary –Includes CSTs, CMA, CAPA, STS results
May STAR Reports Preview28 Student Master List Summary
May STAR Reports Preview29 Student Master List Summary CST Grade 5 Partial Example
May STAR Reports Preview30 Student Master List Summary CST End of Course CST Biology Example
May STAR Reports Preview31 Student Master List Summary STS Algebra
May STAR Reports Preview32 Subgroup Summary
Subgroup Summaries Compare results among different student demographics –Gender –Disability Status (CAPA, specific disability) –Economic Status –Ethnicity New: Two or More Races –English Proficiency –Ethnicity for Economic Status May STAR Reports Preview33
May STAR Reports Preview34 Subgroup Summary CST Grade 5 Gender Example
May STAR Reports Preview35 Data CD Text and XML Formats Available Text version –Two files –Three record types 01 = CST/CMA 02 = CAPA 03 = STS –EAP status data Reported in file; four positions, 407–410 –2010 Student Data File Layout Layout description included in shipment Contact STAR TAC Download from in mid-June
May STAR Reports Preview36 Data CD XML version –One file Two companion files on = Schema.xsl = Data layout Available at the end of June –Easy to import data into other formats Access database
May STAR Reports Preview37 Questions Subject: May Webcast Reports Q & A
May STAR Reports Preview38 Next Webcast 2010 Post-Test Workshop August 11, 2010 Webcast starts at 9:00 a.m.