The plan: 1. A subject, the purposes and problems religious studies. 2. Religion roots. The basic functions of religion. 3. Religion basic elements. Structure of religious consciousness.
"Religion is the last and highest sphere of human consciousness, whether that opinion, the will and the knowledge representation: it is an absolute result, the area in which man enters, as in the region of absolute truth... "
Religion - the science and the field of knowledge, the object of which is religion, religion and religious phenomena. Religion as a complex body of knowledge regarding self- evolved since the nineteenth century, although the knowledge accumulated over the centuries.
Religious studies science and the field of knowledge, which is the subject of religion, religion and religious phenomena.
Science of religion STUDIES Science of religion STUDIES the structure and different components religions the structure and different components religions diverse phenomena of religions they presented in the history of the society diverse phenomena of religions they presented in the history of the society laws of the event religions functioning religions development of religions relationship and interaction religion and other areas of culture relationship and interaction religion and other areas of culture
Religious studies the patterns of emergence, development and operation of the religion, its structure and the different components of its diverse phenomena as they are presented in the history of society, the relationship and interaction of religion and other cultural activities. It examines religion on the level of society, groups and individuals.
object "Religious studies" object "Religious studies" religion
Religion From the Latin «Religio» - "Communication" From the Latin «Religio» - "Communication" One form of public consciousness due to the belief into existence supernatural One form of public consciousness due to the belief into existence supernatural
Religion solves several interrelated problems: Determine the status of religious beliefs, their conditions of validity, rationality and truth Describe the nature and function of religious, especially mystical experience it seeks to understand the meaning of religious language it seeks to understand the meaning of religious language establish possible "models of faith" establish possible "models of faith"
Religion - is not only scientific knowledge, but also the academic discipline of liberal education, whose main goal - to give the amount and depth of knowledge about the religion, in the form and to the extent that would allow the student at an adequate image of religion and objective attitude.
The process of implementing this goal will help solve a number of educational, spiritual, moral, legal and other issues of importance for the formation of world youth, their citizenship. 1. Religious course lays the theoretical and practical basis for a reasonable, balanced, sensible exercise of the constitutional right of individuals to freedom of conscience and religion, freedom to practice the religion, in favor of which the selection is made, or to practice no religion.
2. Religious studies as an academic discipline solves red-blooded liberal education of youth, for the exclusion of religion from the range of human knowledge makes it a cut-down, distorts the concept of spirituality, in a certain way and greatly devalues the historical and social knowledge, as well as knowledge of the political, aesthetic, ethical and philosophical.
3. Religion solves the harmonization of human knowledge and identity formation. If theology and atheism as the two extremes in the study of religion suffer from one-sidedness in the evaluation of its content and nature, place and role in human life, thus creating, disharmony in the knowledge that neutrality and impartiality of religion contributes to the harmonization of the knowledge within the subject, and in context of culture.
4. An important task of religion is an active influence on the spirituality and morals of youth. Religious contribute to humanization of education, learning achievements of world and national culture, self- determination of youth in ideological positions, spiritual interests and values
Religion is not only reveals some theoretical concepts, but also give information about the set of interesting facts, without knowledge of which is difficult to understand many of the events in the past and the present - in economic, political history, history of science, art, literature, morals, in modern socio-political life, etc. Thus to contribute to the reconstruction and development of the historical memory.
Religious their money contributes to the freedom of conscience. Forming the concept of freedom of conscience, giving information on their legislation on this issue, it promotes the establishment of civic qualities of personality
Great significance for the course of humanistic values of the modern world, providing civil harmony, harmonizing human relations, including representatives of various religious and non- religious worldviews
Ideas expressed in the course name to participate in charity and mercy, to confrontation and dishonesty, cruelty and violence, violation of human rights, to work together in a social rehabilitation of the society, in his moral revival.
Sections of «Religious studies» Sections of «Religious studies» Psychology phenomenology History of religion History of religion sociology philosophy
To understand the essence of religion to reveal its roots. The roots of the religion is the set of causes and conditions of particular importance, generating and supporting religion. Reasons - these are phenomena, without which it is impossible to overcome the elimination of religion
Roots of religion social psychological epistemological
Social roots - is a breed and supporting religion particular material and ideological social relations, ruling over the people. Psychological roots - is a breed and supporting religion particular group and individual psychology, creating a favorable psychological soil replacement and assimilation of religion. Epistemological roots - is a breed and supporting religion especially cognition of people, ie this condition, the premise, the possibility of formation of religious beliefs that arise in the process of human cognitive activity. These include the desire for spirituality and the personification of the world
The main functions of religion Compensatory, or comforting the function worldview function communicative function integrating function regulatory function political function political function cultural function cultural function disintegrating function disintegrating function
elements of religion religious ideas religious ideas religious feelings (relationship) religious feelings (relationship) religious action (activity) religious action (activity) religious consciousness religious consciousness
religious relations God human
religious activities Cult Non cult Religious rituals Religious rituals The victims- offering The victims- offering Rituals veiled Mystery fasts praying work missionaries work missionaries religious gatherings religious gatherings Teaching religion in special. institutions Teaching religion in special. institutions propaganda religiousion worldview of propaganda religiousion worldview of
religious organization religious organization public religious unions public religious unions functioning cults functioning cults institutions
faith-based organizations modernity faith-based organizations modernity Taoism church Evangelical Christians church Evangelical Christians army rescue army rescue Buddhist religion Buddhist religion The Muslim religion The Muslim religion Anglican church Anglican church Edinoverie church Edinoverie church The Jewish religion The Jewish religion The Orthodox Catholic church The Orthodox Catholic church consciousness Krishna- vayshkavy consciousness Krishna- vayshkavy
Faith This state of the soul of man, allowing him to overcome life's challenges and find support in life being independent of the presence of real positive factors of the argument, as opposed to ignorant. The subject religious faith It is a supernatural
Religious conscience Religious ideology Religious psycology Religious psycology
Religious conscience Religious ideology it is more or less coherent system of religious ideas, attitudes and perceptions, which are engaged in the development of specially trained people, priests Religious psycology is the set of unsystematic views, ideas, images, feelings, moods, feelings, habits, attitudes, needs is the set of unsystematic views, ideas, images, feelings, moods, feelings, habits, attitudes, needs
Forms religious consciousness Forms religious consciousness polytheism (polytheism) polytheism (polytheism) monotheism (Monotheism) monotheism (Monotheism) Judaism Christianity and Islam Judaism Christianity and Islam Buddhism Hinduism Shinto, Confucianism Buddhism Hinduism Shinto, Confucianism
classification religions classification religions Descent religion Descent religion national religion national religion Buddhism Christianity and Islam Buddhism Christianity and Islam Judaism Hinduism Shinto, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism Judaism Hinduism Shinto, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism World religion World religion totemism, animism, fetishism, magic shamanism totemism, animism, fetishism, magic shamanism
AT PRESENT DAY In WORLD: AT PRESENT DAY In WORLD: BUDDHISM Homage million people? Christianity billion people ISLAM billion