Name/Title of Your App Prepared by: …… For the 5 th National ICT Innovation Competition
Outline Overview App Development Methodology or Techniques Development Tools Functional and Non Functional Requirements Scope Limitations and Challenges Conclusion
Overview Mainly the problem the application addresses. Background - give some information about why your product is needed. Who is your audience/user? What are their characteristics? what do we know about them?
Development Methodology What kind of software development methodology is applied if any? Or design pattern or model used?
Development Tools Tools used to develop the app: ◦Programming language ◦DBMS ◦Platform ◦Any thing + Must mention why?
Functional Requirements are requirements that the system is expected to function. Accordingly the system should be able to entertain the following: …
Non Functional Requirements is mostly related to performance, accessibility, consistency, security, hardware and software issues User interface and human factors Documentation Hardware and Software Consideration Performance Characteristics Error Handling and Extreme Condition
Scope and Limitations The boundary of the app. And the limitations of the App that the app does not include or not capable of.
Conclusion ….
Demonstration -> Major functionalities of the application must be demonstrated.
That’s all!