Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States Data Extract Instructional Guide
Data Extract – Slides 3 thru 52 Step by Step instruction on how to obtain a usable membership report for State use. Agenda
1) Open your Browser and type in URL: provided /admin/LCNG/admintool/index.html /admin/LCNG/admintool/index.html 2) Log In Box will appear – Type in User Name and PW provided 3) Click on “OK”.
1)You are now logged in to the Harris Connect – Online Community – Admin Tool 2) Click on Data Extract under Community Services Heading
1) The Data Extract page will Load 2) Click on arrow to choose the Extract type Report you want generated
1) There are various report types to choose from. 2) Choose a type (We will choose Comprehensive Report for this Demo) 3) Click your mouse on the one you plan to use.
1) This is what the page looks like once you have chosen the type of report you want to generate. 2) To find out what fields will be populated in your Data Extract Report click your mouse on the Help Button
1) This window will appear that lists every field that will be in your report.
1)I recommend you print this window to use at a later time when we have to re-name the fields in Excel.
1) Next Click your mouse on the type of Delivery Method (Download) 2) We will leave the File type at Tab separated. 3) Click on “Continue”.
1) Now you are at the section of the Data Extract were you can choose which field records to extract. 2) We will use GA as a sample State to obtain a report. 3) Scroll down on the page to see the Guard State.
1) The Guard State is already set for each individual State. 2) If you just want to see Paid Members - Type in the Letter “Y” if you want to see both Paid and Expired members leave field blank if you want to see all expired members Type in the Letter “N”. 3) And we only want EANGUS members so Click your mouse on EANGUS
1) Scroll to the bottom of page. 2) Click your mouse on the Search Button to take you to the next step.
1)The system will bring you to this next page that will give you a total count of all records extracted that will be in your report. 2) Click the button that reads Extract Data.
1) The system will begin the Extract Process.
1) Once Data Extract is complete the page will look like this. 2) Right Click your mouse on the blue link below that reads “Download File” 3) We are preparing to save Extract on our Personal Computer
1) This window will appear giving you various option on what to do with the file. 2) Click you mouse on the line that reads “Save Target As…”
1) This window will appear next. This is were you indicate were you want to save the file. 2) It will automatically default to My Documents on your Hard Drive. You have the option to change location. 3) This is the default file name given by the program you can the file name at this point.
1) I have renamed the file ”GA Roster” 2) Click Save with your mouse.
1) From your Computer Open up the program Microsoft Excel.
1) Left Click your mouse on File/Open or just click on the Yellow Folder that represent Open.
1) We now need to import the GA Roster File that is in a Text Format. We have to locate the file. 2) We need to change the File Type at the bottom from All Microsoft Office Excel Files to “Text Files” by clicking on the blue down arrow. 3) Mouse Left Click on “Text Files”
1) Now only “Text Files” are showing in the window view. 2) Double click your left Mouse button on the file to open or. 3) Left Click your mouse button once on the file and click Open.
1) This new window will appear on your screen. 2) Left click your Mouse on the button at the bottom that reads “Next”
1) Step 2 of 3 window will appear on your screen. 2) Left click your Mouse again on the button at the bottom that reads “Next”
1) Then step 3 of 3 window will appear on your screen. 2) Left click your Mouse on the button at the bottom that reads “Finish”
1) Your Roster will now have been imported from a text File into Microsoft Excel. 2) Lets get ready to modify your spreadsheet.
1) Left Click your Mouse here in the blankcell box above row 1 and to the left of Column A. 2) Once you click the blank cell this entire spreadsheet will be blocked in a shade of blue.
1) You can bold the spreadsheet if you like by clicking the Bold button on the toolbar.
1) Widen the width of the columns by double clicking your left mouse button on the line between column “A” and column “B” this method will widen each column to the width of the longest line in each column.
1) Update the Field names as necessary
1)This is a Sample of how the field names change after import. 2) This is why you need to print out the actual field names earlier.
1) Update the Field names as necessary
1) Lets prepare file for printing 2) Click your mouse on File then Print Preview
1) Click your mouse on “Setup”.
1) This screen will appear
1) Change Orientation from Portrait to “Landscape”. 2) Change scaling to around “65”. 3) Then click your mouse on “Margins”
1) This screen will appear on your screen we will prepare to reduce the margins.
1)Reduce all margins down to “0” Top, Bottom, Left and Right. 2) Then click your mouse on “Sheet”
1) This window will appear on your screen.
1)Click your mouse in the block that reads “Gridlines and “Rows and column headings”. 2) Then Click on “OK”.
1)This is what your spreadsheet report will begin to look like. 2) Click your mouse on the tab that reads “Close”.
1) Lets prepare to save the document so that we can switch it from a text file to an Excel Spreadsheet. 2) Click your mouse on save
1)This window will appear 2) Click your mouse on the “No” Button
1) Click your mouse on the “Save” button 2) And as you can see it has changed the file from a text file to and Excel File
1) Let’s prepare to sort your file by Last Name, First Name, and Expires. 2) Click your mouse in this corner of the spreadsheet. 3) The entire file will be blocked in the color Blue.
1) Click your mouse on Data 2) Then click your mouse on Sort
1)This window will appear next 2) Choose the fields to Sort by: 3) Sort by LAST, Then by FIRST, Then by EXPIRES. 4) You have the option to choose the order Ascending or Descending.
1) As you can see the spreadsheet is now sorted by Last, First and Expires.
1) Let’s Delete the unwanted columns. 2) Click on the letter of the column you do not require any longer.
1)This window will appear 2) Click your mouse on “Delete”
1) The column you have marked for deletion will be removed.