Homelessness Service Stephen Hamilton Thursday 17 th January 2008
The Homelessness Service The Homelessness Service is based on the 1 st Floor of the Central Library, South Shields. Customers are offered a confidential interview in one of two interview cubicles The Homelessness Team comprises of a manager, 5 caseworkers and a administrative / performance monitoring officer
What we do (1) The Homelessness Team see customers who are homeless or threatened with homelessness We try to offer an appointment to as many customers as possible to both manage demand for the service and also to ensure they have the opportunity to bring with them as much relevant information as possible to the in-depth interview as this helps us make speedier decisions. However customers who require emergency assistance are seen the same day although they may have to wait until an officer or interview cubicle is available
What we do (2) We arrange emergency accommodation in either a bed and breakfast or hostel placement or the use of one of the 19 furnished flats, houses and maisonettes maintained on the Council’s behalf by South Tyneside Homes. Young homeless people may be placed in one of 4 emergency beds within Places for People’s Dock Street project.
What we do (3) Each customer’s problems are approached with homelessness prevention in mind. We provide advice regarding the housing register scheme managed by South Tyneside Homes. The Council’s nomination rights to Housing Associations. The Council’s Rent Deposit Bond Guarantee Scheme. The mediation service provided by the Key Project.
Services (4) We make bookings for hostels and lodging house placements for homeless people who are not in priority need Make referrals to supported housing projects for young people e.g Dock St Project, YMCA Give information about Discretionary Housing Payments and signpost to Housing Benefits Advise on action to take to prevent illegal eviction Signpost to debt advice services (CAB)
Who we see and how many are seen Our customers range in age from 16 years to the very elderly. We recently dealt with a man aged 84 years. We see tenants from the social and private rented sectors, people on the housing register, owner occupiers, people being asked to leave the homes of friends and family. Asylum seekers granted leave to remain. People leaving tied accommodation. Rough sleepers etc We can interview up to 25 people per day During September 2007 over 400 people were seen
Other Advice providers with whom the Homelessness Service liaise South Tyneside Homes CAB Welfare Rights Connexions Stonham Tenancy Support Service Under the Bridge Tenancy Support Service Turning Point Matrix Drugs Action Team Care leavers Service Asylum Seekers Team
Key issues Teams having a comprehensive knowledge of their own service and an incomplete and possibly inaccurate knowledge of other services. The need for consistency The need for all service providers to be aware of the bigger picture e.g The Council’s CPA, the Government’s Homelessness Prevention agenda, pressures on social housing etc Ensuring we accurately record homelessness prevention through housing advice casework.
How we ensure quality Homelessness decisions are guided by law. The guideline time for a homelessness decision to be issued is 33 working days. Customers have the right to request that a homelessness decision is reviewed and are always informed of their rights. Homelessness Prevention through housing advice casework is governed by the requirements of BV213 We are in the process of introducing customer satisfaction surveys for all parts of the service
How the service is funded The Homelessness Service is funded through the Council’s General Fund In addition the Government allocate grant funding to all Councils to assist with the delivery of homelessness prevention initiatives The grant for 2008/9 to 2010/11 is £64K per annum
Summary Advice services are provided by a number of diverse agencies from many locations across the borough. Specialised knowledge may be augmented by an inaccurate understanding of what other agencies are doing and this may be passed onto customers Agencies may not be aware of the bigger picture