From digital to craft: How to make a data matrix with SNS data There are many applications that allow its users to visualize different networks directly from Facebook or Twitter but in this case we make our data in a ‘traditional way’: searching and finding ourselves the relations between
1.Take a picture, a lot of pictures. 2.Add your photos with the hashtag #NWUAB on Instagram. 3.Choose a hashtag for your teamwork. 4.Add other relational hashtags. #NWUAB #UAB #Campus #enjoy
Nodes 1.Search the hashtag #NWUAB and look all the pictures with this hashtag. 2.Choose the 10 most representative pictures. 3.Open a spreadsheet in Excel and write all the hashtags in two columns. One column for the ID number and one column for Label (complete hashtag) 4.Save as….csv (sheet no book) 5.Now we have a nodes
Edges 1.Open a new spreadsheet for the edges 2.You need 4 columns: “Source”, “Target”, “Weight” and “Type” 3.In the “source” column put the Id number (hashtag) and indicate the relation with other hashtag in the “target” column (Appear together in the same picture). 4.The weight* of the edge indicates how many times a hashtag appears linked to another hashtag. 5.Type: Undirected. An is a graph in which the two endpoints of each edge are not distinguished from each other. 6.Save as….csv spreadsheet. *A weight is a numerical value, assigned as a label to a vertex or edge of a graph. A weighted graph is a graph whose vertices or edges have been assigned weights; more specifically, a vertex-weighted graph has weights on its vertices and an edge- weighted graph has weights on its
Edges Now, each row of the file is a node or an
Gephi Open Gephi and create a new project. You start by clicking 'Import CSV' button in Data Laboratory as seen in the picture. At first, you can import the nodes'
Import …and you do the same with the
First overview In the overview window you can see the first graphical representation. Let's go to analyze