COMP 900 (Spreadsheets) St. Lawrence College Instructor: Matthew J.W. Clarke Chapter Eight in Business Technology Today
FOCUS QUESTION How do I use spreadsheets to manage data?
CHAPTER PROJECTS Complete the following: 1. Create a new folder for your project. Name the folder “Name_Excel” 2. Create a new Microsoft Excel document, and save the document in your Name_Excel folder as “Name_Excel1”
What is a spreadsheet? A spreadsheet is a software application that allows users to –perform simple and complex sorting –perform calculations on values –analyze, graph, and print results A spreadsheet includes a title bar, menu bar, and one or more toolbars with buttons that perform functions.
Spreadsheet Software
Spreadsheet Software (continued) A spreadsheet organizes data into cells. A spreadsheet workbook/notebook consists of numerous worksheets or spreadsheet pages. A cell is the intersection of a column and a row and can be identified by a cell address.
Entering Data There are three types of data that can be entered in a spreadsheet: 1. Labels are text information used to describe data in the spreadsheet. 2. Values are numerical data used in calculations. 3. Formulas are a written set of instructions telling the computer to perform calculations on values. Formulas begin with an indicator such as an = sign must use syntax follow the BEDMAS order of operation refer to a group of cells called a cell range referred
PROJECT UPDATE Download the PDF document entitled Excel_1 from the class website located at Open the file and read the instructions. Follow the instructions as indicated and ask questions if necessary. Remember to help each other. Add is +, Subtract is -, Multiply is *, and Divide is /.
Spreadsheet Functions Spreadsheet functions make entering complex formulas easier. When using a function in a formula, there are three parts: 1. the indicator 2. the function name 3. the arguments The most frequently used functions are –SUM –MIN –MAX –AVERAGE or AVG –COUNT
Spreadsheet Formatting (continued) There are many options for formatting a spreadsheet: –You can centre titles in columns. –You can bold and/or italicize titles. –You can underline labels. –You can format numbers as percentages or currency.
PROJECT UPDATE Download the PDF document entitled Excel_2 from the class website located at Open the file and read the instructions. Follow the instructions as indicated and ask questions if necessary. Remember to help each other.
PROJECT UPDATE Format your spreadsheet by –changing the font sizes of titles –adding colour to help readers interpret the data –adding gridlines to make the data easier to read Save your work!
Converting Data to a Chart A chart allows people to see patterns and share data in simple form. Data cab be converted to a pie, column, or bar chart or a line graph. The parts of a chart include –title –legend –data labels –x-axis –y-axis Use clear, concise wording on your chart.
Charts Reading and Creating Graphs and Charts –Follow these steps to understand a graph or chart: 1. Read the title. 2. Read the label and the numbers and/or information along the axes. 3. Determine the units used by the graph or chart. 4. Look for patterns, groups, or differences in the numbers.
Charts Reading and Creating Graphs and Charts –Common errors include using the incorrect type of chart for the data poorly formatted data displaying too much data on one chart overly elaborate presentation of data misleading presentation of data
Choosing a Chart Type Pie charts are useful for showing the contribution of each value to the total. Column charts and bar charts ideal for side-by-side comparisons of data. Line graphs are ideal for showing the trend of data over time. Stacked column and bar charts show the contribution of each value to a total across categories.
PROJECT UPDATE Download the PDF document entitled Excel_3 from the class website located at Open the file and read the instructions. Follow the instructions as indicated and ask questions if necessary. Remember to help each other.
PROJECT UPDATE Download the PDF document entitled Excel_4 from the class website located at Open the file and read the instructions. Follow the instructions as indicated and ask questions if necessary. Remember to help each other.
Extended Learning Download the PDF document entitled Excel_5 from the class website located at Open the file and read the instructions. Follow the instructions as indicated and ask questions if necessary. Remember to help each other.