Clean and Energy-efficient Vehicles in the Focus of Developments at EU Level Ulrich Weber, Expert, UITP-EuroTeam International Association of Public Transport Bojnice, 4 October 2007
Content 1. What are clean and energy-efficient vehicles ? 2. EU initiatives on clean and energy-efficient transport 3. UITP Activities 4. Clean and energy-efficient vehicles to reduce: Pollutant emissions Global emissions/GHG emissions Energy consumption 5. Financing clean vehicles
1. Clean and Energy-efficient Vehicles (Bus) What is a clean and energy-efficient vehicle ? Low pollutant emissions: particles, NOx, SO2, HC, CO Low GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions Vehicles complying with Euro V or EEV standard ? Vehicles with alternative technology? vehicles running with bioethanol ?
2. Selected EU Initiatives: a Framework for Clean and Energy-efficient Vehicles
Selected EU Initiatives: a Framework for Clean and Energy-efficient Vehicles Strategy on air quality: air quality Directives - limit values for ambient air (particles: 2005, NOx: 2010) - Environmental zones Emissions from heavy duty engines (Euro standards) - Euro V (2008/2009), Euro VI under discussion (proposal for October 2007, mandatory for 2012?)
Selected EU Initiatives: a Framework for Clean and Energy-efficient Vehicles Kyoto protocol (Climate change) CIVITAS programme Funding of research projects EU Structural funds/cohesion funds
Green Paper towards a new culture for urban mobility COM(2007)551 Published on 25 September 2007
Green Paper towards a new culture for urban mobility COM(2007)551 Discussion of urban mobility at EU level Subsidiarity: which responsibilities on EU level ? Content: Guidelines for procurement of clean vehicles ? (instead of earlier proposed EU Directive) Initiative on sustainable urban transport plans European charta for passenger rights Security in public transport (against crime/terrorism) Financing sustainable urban mobility Consultation open until 15 March 2008 Action plan for autumn 2008
Selected EU Initiatives: Biofuels Directive EU biofuels Directive 2003/30/EC 2 % share of biofuels for end of 2005 5,75 % share of biofuels for end of 2010 Legislation to revise biofuels Directive is expected until end of 2007 sustainable biofuels label ? First/second generation biofuels ? new target for 2010 ? (as 2 % share for 2005 has not been achieved) Further targets for 2015 or 2020 (10%)?
3. UITP Activities Lobbying towards the EU institutions UITP position on “fuel choices for public transport”, 2006 UITP-EuroTeam information dossier “requirements for buses and coaches based on EU legislation” UITP clean fuels observatory UITP statistics on urban bus fleet in the EU, 2007
4. Clean and energy-efficient vehicles to reduce: Pollutant emissions Global emissions Energy consumption
EU Exhaust Emission Limits for Heavy Duty Vehicles (2005/55/EC), „EURO-Norms“ EURO VI (under discussion)
Particle Size and Lung Deposition Small Particles < 60 nm get into the Alveoles! Most dangerous particles Source: TTM, nm 10 nm Bronchi Alveole s Upper Respiration Passages Particle Size (µm) Particle Deposition in the Lungs
PM10 Immissions in inner City Streets: Very complicated Origin! No simple cause. Therefore no simple technical solution. Particulate Trap ist one solution out of several others. Source: IFEU, 2004 Municipal Background Local Traffic Suburban / Regional Background Traffic Exhaust Caused by Turbulence Caused by Turbulence Background Load!
One Solution: Modal shift ! Particulate Emissions in real Drive Cycles (in g/100 km/Passenger) Average Passenger load: 20,8% over 24 h Average passenger load: 1,2 passengers/trip Average Passenger load: 20,8% over 24 h Sources: VDV calculations and TU Graz
Particulate Emission % without DPF with DPF (CRT) Particle Sizes One Solution: Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Source: HJS/DES
Current State of the Art: Clean Diesel Technology Competition with other technologies has resulted in considerable emission reductions EEV is reached with clean diesel technology through - particle filters, exhaust gas recirculation, selective catalyic reduction Fuel quality: sulphur-free diesel, synthetic diesel (GtL), etc. Still in many cases the most economic solution EEV Solaris Bus for Bremen
CNG – Compressed Natural Gas Low particle + NOx emissions Higher costs for investments in vehicles + infrastructure + maintenance Reduced fuel prizes (depending on taxes) Interesting business scenarios EEV Ekobus City Brno
Data 2006 Source: S2R consulting © Trolleybus - Networks Slovakia: 240 trolleybuses Very low local emissions (particles, NOx) GHG emission depending on local electricity mix
4. Clean and energy-efficient vehicles to reduce: Pollutant emissions Global emissions Energy consumption
One Solution: Modal Shift! GHG Emissions (CO 2 -Equivalent) in Urban Traffic in g/km/Passenger Source: calculations Verband deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen
Quelle: Concawe, Eucar, LBST 2004, FNR GHG: Greenhouse Gases (CO 2 -Equivalent) FT: Fischer-Tropsch MtSynfuel: Methanol-to-Synfuel, calculated One Solution: Alternative Fuels (GHG Emissions of different Fuels; Well-to-Wheel) Source: Total 2006
Biofuels Great variety of different biofuels with very different local emissions and GHG emissions „good and bad biofuels“ 2nd generation biofuels very promising, e.g. Biomass-to-liquid (BtL) but only in future Availability ? Competition with food production Scania Ethanol Bus Stockholm Volvo EEV Biogas Bus Bern
4. Clean and energy-efficient vehicles to reduce: Pollutant emissions Global emissions Energy consumption
One solution: Modal shift towards public transport Source: Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen Car: 6,7 litres/passenger/100 km
Hybrid buses Probably next stage in clean vehicle technologies Different technologies: batteries, ultracaps, etc. Tests with hybrid buses with ultracaps (high energy storage), up to % less energy consumption EU research project in FP7 on hybrid buses ? Neoman Ultracap Bus Nuremberg
New VDV Book on Electric Drives (June 2007)
Hydrogen/Fuel Cell Buses Neoman HyFLEET Bus Combustion Engine Berlin VanHool Fuel Cell Hybrid-Electric Bus for Delijn EU projects CUTE/HyFLEET CUTE, 2nd stage - Consortium of 6 cities/regions on purchasing hydrogen buses Hydrogen internal combustion engines Fuel Cell technology Advanced Solution: Hybrid Technology in Combination with Hydrogen Drives GHG emissions depending on hydrogen production
Line Topograpy Congestion Stops Vehicle Loading Vehicle Performance Acceleration Final Speed Boarding Time Average Travel Speed Fuel consumption - Project Clean and Energy-efficient Vehicles Energy Consumption – Determined by Average Speed
Electronic Passenger Information Air Conditioning Electronic Steering Aid Service Quality Fuel consumption Safety Devices Clean and Energy-efficient Vehicles Energy Consumption – Determined by Service Quality
5. Financing clean vehicles – different sources and experiences from different EU Member States EU funds Structural and cohesion funds: investments in infrastructure + vehicles, modernisation of vehicles CIVITAS (sustainable transport in so far 36 cities) EU research projects Loans from European Investment Bank National/regional supplementary funds for purchasing new vehicles (Partly with environmental conditions): Germany, Italy, Switzerland
Comparison of measures and allocations for environmental-friendly transport in the draft Operational Programmes of CEE countries Source: CEE Bankwatch Period
Conclusion Variety of different technologies and fuels available Differences in costs of different technologies Further commitment of sector and investments in clean vehicle technology needed - Pressure from EU initiatives - Preservation of green image of public transport sector Support from public side necessary - Promotion of public transport - Investment in new clean and energy- efficient vehicle technologies
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