Clean and Energy-efficient Vehicles in the Focus of Developments at EU Level Ulrich Weber, Expert, UITP-EuroTeam International Association of Public Transport.


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Presentation transcript:

Clean and Energy-efficient Vehicles in the Focus of Developments at EU Level Ulrich Weber, Expert, UITP-EuroTeam International Association of Public Transport Bojnice, 4 October 2007

Content 1. What are clean and energy-efficient vehicles ? 2. EU initiatives on clean and energy-efficient transport 3. UITP Activities 4. Clean and energy-efficient vehicles to reduce:  Pollutant emissions  Global emissions/GHG emissions  Energy consumption 5. Financing clean vehicles

1. Clean and Energy-efficient Vehicles (Bus) What is a clean and energy-efficient vehicle ?  Low pollutant emissions: particles, NOx, SO2, HC, CO  Low GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions  Vehicles complying with Euro V or EEV standard ?  Vehicles with alternative technology? vehicles running with bioethanol ?

2. Selected EU Initiatives: a Framework for Clean and Energy-efficient Vehicles

Selected EU Initiatives: a Framework for Clean and Energy-efficient Vehicles  Strategy on air quality: air quality Directives - limit values for ambient air (particles: 2005, NOx: 2010) - Environmental zones  Emissions from heavy duty engines (Euro standards) - Euro V (2008/2009), Euro VI under discussion (proposal for October 2007, mandatory for 2012?)

Selected EU Initiatives: a Framework for Clean and Energy-efficient Vehicles  Kyoto protocol (Climate change)  CIVITAS programme  Funding of research projects  EU Structural funds/cohesion funds

Green Paper towards a new culture for urban mobility COM(2007)551 Published on 25 September 2007

Green Paper towards a new culture for urban mobility COM(2007)551  Discussion of urban mobility at EU level  Subsidiarity: which responsibilities on EU level ?  Content:  Guidelines for procurement of clean vehicles ? (instead of earlier proposed EU Directive)  Initiative on sustainable urban transport plans  European charta for passenger rights  Security in public transport (against crime/terrorism)  Financing sustainable urban mobility  Consultation open until 15 March 2008  Action plan for autumn 2008

Selected EU Initiatives: Biofuels Directive  EU biofuels Directive 2003/30/EC  2 % share of biofuels for end of 2005  5,75 % share of biofuels for end of 2010  Legislation to revise biofuels Directive is expected until end of 2007  sustainable biofuels label ?  First/second generation biofuels ?  new target for 2010 ? (as 2 % share for 2005 has not been achieved)  Further targets for 2015 or 2020 (10%)?

3. UITP Activities  Lobbying towards the EU institutions  UITP position on “fuel choices for public transport”, 2006  UITP-EuroTeam information dossier “requirements for buses and coaches based on EU legislation”  UITP clean fuels observatory  UITP statistics on urban bus fleet in the EU, 2007

4. Clean and energy-efficient vehicles to reduce:  Pollutant emissions  Global emissions  Energy consumption

EU Exhaust Emission Limits for Heavy Duty Vehicles (2005/55/EC), „EURO-Norms“ EURO VI (under discussion)

Particle Size and Lung Deposition Small Particles < 60 nm get into the Alveoles!  Most dangerous particles Source: TTM, nm 10 nm Bronchi Alveole s Upper Respiration Passages Particle Size (µm) Particle Deposition in the Lungs

PM10 Immissions in inner City Streets: Very complicated Origin!  No simple cause.  Therefore no simple technical solution.  Particulate Trap ist one solution out of several others. Source: IFEU, 2004 Municipal Background Local Traffic Suburban / Regional Background Traffic Exhaust Caused by Turbulence Caused by Turbulence Background Load!

One Solution: Modal shift ! Particulate Emissions in real Drive Cycles (in g/100 km/Passenger) Average Passenger load: 20,8% over 24 h Average passenger load: 1,2 passengers/trip Average Passenger load: 20,8% over 24 h Sources: VDV calculations and TU Graz

Particulate Emission % without DPF with DPF (CRT) Particle Sizes One Solution: Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Source: HJS/DES

Current State of the Art: Clean Diesel Technology  Competition with other technologies has resulted in considerable emission reductions  EEV is reached with clean diesel technology through - particle filters, exhaust gas recirculation, selective catalyic reduction  Fuel quality: sulphur-free diesel, synthetic diesel (GtL), etc.  Still in many cases the most economic solution EEV Solaris Bus for Bremen

CNG – Compressed Natural Gas  Low particle + NOx emissions  Higher costs for investments in vehicles + infrastructure + maintenance  Reduced fuel prizes (depending on taxes)  Interesting business scenarios EEV Ekobus City Brno

Data 2006 Source: S2R consulting © Trolleybus - Networks Slovakia: 240 trolleybuses  Very low local emissions (particles, NOx)  GHG emission depending on local electricity mix

4. Clean and energy-efficient vehicles to reduce:  Pollutant emissions  Global emissions  Energy consumption

One Solution: Modal Shift! GHG Emissions (CO 2 -Equivalent) in Urban Traffic in g/km/Passenger Source: calculations Verband deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen

Quelle: Concawe, Eucar, LBST 2004, FNR GHG: Greenhouse Gases (CO 2 -Equivalent) FT: Fischer-Tropsch MtSynfuel: Methanol-to-Synfuel, calculated One Solution: Alternative Fuels (GHG Emissions of different Fuels; Well-to-Wheel) Source: Total 2006

Biofuels  Great variety of different biofuels with very different local emissions and GHG emissions „good and bad biofuels“  2nd generation biofuels very promising, e.g. Biomass-to-liquid (BtL)  but only in future  Availability ? Competition with food production Scania Ethanol Bus Stockholm Volvo EEV Biogas Bus Bern

4. Clean and energy-efficient vehicles to reduce:  Pollutant emissions  Global emissions  Energy consumption

One solution: Modal shift towards public transport Source: Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen Car: 6,7 litres/passenger/100 km

Hybrid buses  Probably next stage in clean vehicle technologies  Different technologies: batteries, ultracaps, etc.  Tests with hybrid buses with ultracaps (high energy storage), up to % less energy consumption  EU research project in FP7 on hybrid buses ? Neoman Ultracap Bus Nuremberg

New VDV Book on Electric Drives (June 2007)

Hydrogen/Fuel Cell Buses Neoman HyFLEET Bus Combustion Engine Berlin VanHool Fuel Cell Hybrid-Electric Bus for Delijn  EU projects CUTE/HyFLEET CUTE, 2nd stage - Consortium of 6 cities/regions on purchasing hydrogen buses  Hydrogen internal combustion engines  Fuel Cell technology  Advanced Solution: Hybrid Technology in Combination with Hydrogen Drives  GHG emissions depending on hydrogen production

Line Topograpy Congestion Stops Vehicle Loading Vehicle Performance Acceleration Final Speed Boarding Time Average Travel Speed Fuel consumption - Project Clean and Energy-efficient Vehicles Energy Consumption – Determined by Average Speed

Electronic Passenger Information Air Conditioning Electronic Steering Aid Service Quality Fuel consumption Safety Devices Clean and Energy-efficient Vehicles Energy Consumption – Determined by Service Quality

5. Financing clean vehicles – different sources and experiences from different EU Member States  EU funds  Structural and cohesion funds: investments in infrastructure + vehicles, modernisation of vehicles  CIVITAS (sustainable transport in so far 36 cities)  EU research projects  Loans from European Investment Bank  National/regional supplementary funds for purchasing new vehicles (Partly with environmental conditions):  Germany, Italy, Switzerland

Comparison of measures and allocations for environmental-friendly transport in the draft Operational Programmes of CEE countries Source: CEE Bankwatch Period

Conclusion  Variety of different technologies and fuels available  Differences in costs of different technologies  Further commitment of sector and investments in clean vehicle technology needed - Pressure from EU initiatives - Preservation of green image of public transport sector  Support from public side necessary - Promotion of public transport - Investment in new clean and energy- efficient vehicle technologies

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