1 Lean Ships General Principles The Project is funded in the H2020 Work Progamme of the European Union Contract No.:
2 Lean Ships The missing link between green technology availability and large scale market uptake is: “Hard” evidence on green technology reliability, impact on energy use and on emissions and the economic gains to compensate for the necessary investments. To develop green technologies…… Project goal:
3 Lean Ships Mobility for Growth, technical development, modes and integration Better use of existing resources, reduced congestion, intelligent systems Cleaner, safer vehicles The Smart, Green, Integrated Transport Challenge
4 Lean Ships And Lean Ships sets a green example ! - in the maritime sector; - in line with EU; - worldwide energy and emission policies. It’s all about innovation! Getting new green technology to the market!
5 Lean Ships Work Package 04 LNG/CNG combined with RSD for ship handling tug Start up: May 2015 Duration: 48 months Sneak inside the project Partners :
6 Lean Ships Objective of the WP 04 Design and build a new generation ship handling prototype tug with two NG-fuelled prototype engines; NG-fuelled high speed engines concept; Build and (bench) test 3 prototype high-speed NG fuelled engines; Validate (at full scale) new generation ship handling tug by operating the tug for one year; Based on sea measurements & bench tests, develop 2nd generation NG-fuelled engines; Retrofit/update/modify the NG-fuelled engines on-board the tug with the 2nd generation engine technology.
7 Lean Ships LNGDuel FuelCNG Energy storage++ + Emissions+++/-++ Technical complexity Stability-+++ CAPEX---+ Dimensions-- ++ Boil off-- ++ Operational-- ++
8 Lean Ships Objective of the Work Package Emission legislation for marine Diesel engines IMO 2 7,85 IMO /21 ? 2,0 EPA /6 1,8 0,04 EPA 3 5,8 0,11 EPA 2 7,2 0,20 NOx [g/kWh] PM [g/kWh] EGA*, EGR**, … * Exhaust gas aftertreatment ** Exhaust gas recirculation Turbocharging, Injection, Combustion…
9 Lean Ships Diesel + SCRNatural Gas Objective of the Work Package
10 Lean Ships Roles of Partners MTU engines: Development of NG-fuelled high speed engines Marine Engineering Galati : Engineering of the RSD ship handling tug Damen Shipyards Galati: Building of the RSD hull and superstructure Svitzer: Operating the NG driven RSD ship handling tug Damen Shipyards Gorinchem: Development of the NG driven RSD Tug Overall PM Outfitting, testing and trials of the tug
11 Lean Ships