Introduction Staple food Half of Australian people's main food ingredient Most valuable agricultural production Valuable exporting source Half of the Australian agricultural land dedicated to wheat cropping
Nutrient value Wheat has high nutrient value.
Wheat Production Areas of wheat production: Wheat is the largest enterprise in the Australia grain industry, grown throughout southern and eastern regions in the crescent known as the Australian grain belt.
Wheat Production Australia produces about 24 million tonnes of wheat per year, accounting for 3.5% of annual global production. Western Australia and New South Wales are the largest production states. Wheat production (‘000 TONNE) Five year average (2008/ /13)
Australian wheat classes Australian Prime HardAustralian HardAustralian Premium WhiteAustralian Standard white.Australian SoftAustralian Premium Durum.
Distribution of production The area sown to wheat in has been increasing over the last 10 years. WA generates about 50% of Australia's total annual wheat production. 95% of exported predominantly to Asia and the Middle East.
Steps Paddock selection and Crop sequence Seedbed preparation Sowing Varieties Depth of sowing Seeding rate Seed dressings Crop nutrition Crop management Weed management Marketing
The Growth Rate
Export The Australian wheat industry is export oriented. Ships 65-75% of the nation’s total production To more than 50 countries. Generally earns $2 billion in annual export for the state. About 80% of WA wheat is exported. production in reached a record 11 million tonnes & $2.8 billion in export earnings. Indonesia is Western Australia's largest wheat export market accounting for an average 2.3 million tones each year.
Economic Impact Whole grain product which is used for main meal. High nutrient value. Exported throughout the world. Wheat Covers More of the Earth Than Any Other Crop(More than 215 million hectares) Wheat is Imperative for Global Food Security. Wheat grain is used for preparing starch. Australia consumes around 5 million tones of wheat annually. Around 500,000 tones of wheat is used for seed each year.
Economic Impact 2 to 2.5 million tones is used annually as stock feed. 1.5 million tones and a further 440 thousand tones of flour is used for industrial purposes. over 60% is used by specialized commercial bread bakers. Commonwealth and state governments provided the wheat industry with financial assistance. In , 102 million tones of wheat were traded on the international market. Australia's total wheat exports represent around 15% of the world wheat trade annually.
Conclusion The government has worked with wheat industry and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to develop the mandatory code of conduct. Australia increased its wheat production estimate after El Nino-defying rain in winter boosted the outlook for yields in key growing regions. Australia is making the best use of their geographical advantages to gain profit from wheat.