The Fall Gen 3 = Pivotal point in mankind’s history 2 chapters before The Fall Rest of the Bible (1100+ ch’s) and history after the Fall God’s relationship with man Universe created for the earth Earth created for man Man created ……
The Fall What is freedom ? Does complete freedom exist = Free Will ? Man created with Free Will Complete Freedom only exists within the boundaries of God Complete Freedom lost after The Fall Man now slave to sin
The Fall What is evil? Absence of God Ez 28:11-19 Isaiah 14:12-14 The 5 “I Will’s….”
Genesis 3
The Fall One Simple Commandment Who is the Serpent? Can the Serpent speak? Eve heard something Possessed Speaks through others…”Get behind me Satan”
The Fall Why the Serpent? Covert Enemy The Investigation…. Seed of Doubt The Interrogation…. Pride The Infiltration…. Lust
The Fall Doubt Elohim Learned about Paradise Satan distorted God’s commandment Eve questions her memory and questions God’s word Made God a liar
The Fall Pride God’s commandments are unreasonable Satan and Eve exaggerated Challenges our free-will Infringe upon our life Church life Self-Control Resent God’s restrictions
The Fall Pride You will be like God 1Jn 3:2 “…we shall be like Him…” Adam & Eve wanted it according to their timeline “God resists the proud” James 4:5
THE FALL SPIRITUAL LAXITY “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” James 4:7
Temptations ADAMCHRIST GREEDAte from the forbidden tree “…command these stone to become bread…” CONCEIT“..your eyes will be opened…” “…all these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me…” PRIDE“ will be like God…” “..if You are the Son of Man, throw Yourself down…”
The Fall Why Eve? God Spoke to Adam Adam knows and named the serpent Eve emotional Eve was deceived but Adam disobeyed THE 5 SENSES
The Fall Serpent punished without inquiry Unrepentant; 2 Thess 2:1-4 Most clever now most cursed “Dust you shall eat” We are the dust (St. Augustine) First Prophecy v 15
The Fall Shame and guilt Replaced purity Result of pride Nakedness Lost Grace of God Woman’s place in society St. Mary restored the dignity that first Eve lost
The Fall Adam Where are you? (What has happened to you?) Adam responsible for Adam’s death Sorrow, toil, sweat, difficulty, despair Nature cursed
The Fall Sin FALL Pride EXILE
The Fall Sin & Repentance “For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, But the wicked shall fall by calamity. “
The Fall Paradise Regained Evil: The 5 “I wills” Fall: The 5 Senses Salvation: The 5 Wounds of Christ
The Fall The Hope “Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”” Gen 3:22 Plan for salvation instituted by the Trinity at the moment of the Fall