Quality Management Supplier Quality Requirements The Manufacturer, testing at works and supply of various distribution cut- outs for wires business on an as and when required basis for a period of five years
17/11/20142 QM 58 – Supplier Contract Requirements Purpose - Define the quality requirements/returnable documents which shall be submitted with a tender. Quality requirements are based on ISO 9001:2008. The required Quality requirements/returnable are as follows: o Quality Management System (QMS) Requirements. o Evidence of QMS in operations. o Contract Quality Plan. o Additional/Customized Requirements. Note: QM – 58 defines the above mentioned requirements (read para 3.2 –and 3.3). All returnable documents should be in English.
17/11/ Quality Documentation with Tender The supplier shall submit the following quality documentation with the tender: o Quality Management System (QMS) Requirements. Submit a copy of valid ISO 9001:2008 certification. OR Submit an objective evidence of a QMS, consisting of the following: Quality Manual. Document Control Procedure (Clause 4.2.3), Record Control Procedure (Clause 4.2.4), Internal Audit Control Procedure (Clause 8.2.2), Control of nonconforming product (Clause 8.3), Corrective Action Procedure (Clause 8.5.2), Preventative Action Procedure (Clause 8.5.3). Procedure for control of suppliers (i.e. additional procedure).
17/11/ Quality Documentation with Tender Evidence of QMS in operations. Copy of closed out and completed product / process NCR. Copy of closed out and completed product / process CAR. Copy of closed out and completed product / process PAR. Detailed CV of the supplier QMR. Copy of organisational structure indicating QMR position. Historical information register on similar work carried out. Copy of customer satisfaction survey. Contract Quality Plan (Refer to QM 58 – Annexure C) Additional/Customized Requirements. Form A – Tender & Contract Quality Requirements (App A – QM 58). Form B – Quality Management System Requirements (App B – QM 58).
13/05/ Evaluation Criteria & Weights Ref Clause (QM 58) Supplier Tender Submissions (Checklist) Weights (%) Quality Management System Requirements (ISO 9001): IS0 9001:2008 Certification OR, Quality Manual with 6 Mandatory Procedures. 30% Evidence of QMS in operation: Copy of closed out and completed product / process NCR. Copy of closed out and completed product / process CAR. Copy of closed out and completed product / process PAR. Detailed CV of the supplier QMR. Copy of organizational structure indicating QMR position. Historical information register on similar work carried out. Copy of customer satisfaction survey. 30% 3.2.2Contract Quality Plan See Annexure C 30% 3.2.2Additional/Customized Requirements. Form A. Form B. 10% Supplier who score above 60% will be awarded 30%, less than 60% is 0%100%
Summary Supplier should submits all Quality documentation with a tender, index and file in the following sequence: QMS Evidence of QMS CQP Forms A & B CQP are implemented by Supplier and monitored by Eskom for the duration of the contract.
Thank you Please address any requests for clarifications on Quality requirements to Eskom Sourcing Specialist.