Implementing INSPIRE UIDs and life-cycle information in a European SDI. Nathalie Delattre, IGN Belgium Work team: Romain Kereneur, IGN, France Noémie Grémeaux, IGN, France Marcus Brühl, BKG, Germany Esa Tiainen, NLS, Finland
User Needs Maintenance of reference information in user databases. Not only Unique IDentifiers but also life-cycle information ( get change only updates ) European contract European users request pan-European datasets with external UIDs and life-cycle information workable at European level within the next three years EuroBoundaryMap ( Administrative regions at scale 1:100k) EuroRegionalMap ( Geo topographical data at scale 1:250k) EuroGlobalMap (Geo topographical data at scale 1:1000k)
Objective To set up European rules/guidelines for implementing UIDs aiming at a better interoperability for at cross-border/pan European level. The technical challenge How to implement UIDs and life-cycle information that are maintained at national level but that must be operable at a pan-European level by enabling incremental update?
European rules for UId implementation Two types of UIDs : (INSPIRE compliant) –created and maintained by NMCAs : - created and maintained at supra national level: Adopt INSPIRE life cycle attributes – versionID – beginLifespanVersion – endLifespanVersion Same life cycle rules across Europe : 10 life cycle rules defined –Definition of the lifespan cycle of a INSPIRE feature, (new, modified or deleted)
European rules implementation: ideal solution Implementation of external UIDs in NMCAs data systems and contents External ID + Life cycle attributes Data sources, NMCA European external ID + Life cycle attributes European data (national components) + European namespace European external ID + Life cycle attributes European data (seamless coverage) External UID management for Cross-border features Use national localID and life cycle information
European rules implementation: intermediate solution Implementation of external UID over the national spatial data infrastructure Data sources, NMCA European external ID Life cycle attributes European data (national componants) Change detection process between two releases european external ID Life cycle attributes European data (seamless coverage) External UID management for Cross-border features Different scenarios must be considered depending on the level of progress in implementation of each NMCA to ensure homogeneous and reliable UID and life cycle information delivery in the pan-European databases Creation of European localID and life cycle information
UIds implementation at cross-border/pan European level: How this can be achievable, how to proceed? Nathalie Delattre, IGN Belgium
Indicators monitoring the level of progress in UIDs implementation
Monitoring among NMCAs
Monitoring Results Unique IdentifierLife-cycle InformationLife-cycle Rules
Amended European rules for implementing UIDs based on monitoring results 1.UID structure proposed in the European rules has been widely accepted by all NMCAs 2.Life-cycle attributes: –versionId: optional, –beginLifespanVersion: mandatory, –endLifespanVersion: optional
3.Life-cycle Rules - Simple rules are mandatory - Complex rules are optional
Implementing European rules on UIds in the light of what is achievable among NMCAS: SHORT TERM PERSPECTIVE Four levels of progress : Level 4 (ESDIN) : UIDs Implemented + life cycle information + all life cycle rules Level 3: UIDs Implemented + life cycle information + basic life cycle rules Level 2 (INSPIRE): UIDs implemented and INSPIRE compliant Level 1: no UIDs implemented or compliant NMCAS on Referenc data change detection process between two data deliveries Level 1-2:Life-cycle information and UIDs are re-calculated (European localID) Level 3 :National UIDs are used and Life cycle rules are compliant and possibly re- numbered when life cycle rules not compliant European Level on pan-European products
What could be achievable in longer term Level 4 (ESDIN) : never in a consensual way Level 3: can be commonly reached with the amended European rules Level 2 : can be commonly reached by all of them NMCAs on Reference Data European level on pan-European products change detection solution and data versioning Pan-European products level European/cross border community level INSPIRE level
Conclusion INSPIRE regarding UIDs implementation will not sufficiently meet interoperability at European level. European Rules set up in the framework of the ESDIN project should enable historical versioning of pan-European datasets and incremental update delivery at European level. Ideal solutions is that NMCAs adopt the European rules for national perspective If not possible, intermediate solution will be implemented by using a change detection solution and data versioning at European level ( tools) Change detection tools could be applied to national purpose
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