Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education University of Tuzla Internationalization Policy Alma Tanović, MPhil Office of Research University of Tuzla Banja Luka/ March 8, 2016 Project number: EPP BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"
Internationalization Policy The University of Tuzla has not yet adopted internationalization policy University of Tuzla Development Strategy for 2010 – 2015 defined the key internationalization objectives and activities to be completed The focus was on raising awareness about the internationalization process among the University staff, both academic and administrative, through adoption and implementation of relevant documents Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education
Internationalization Objectives Mobility programs for students, academic staff and administrative staff: to provide them with access to studying/working abroad Research projects for academic staff and researchers: to acquire knowledge/specific know- how from experiences and good practices abroad relevant for their professional development Cooperation agreements : establishing strong cooperation with universities and higher education institutions abroad Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education
Monitoring Internationalization Process At the moment, quality assurance and monitoring of indicators relating to internationalization process is conducted by University management, IRO and Office of Research, Center for Internal Evaluation and Quality Assurance and faculty management University management is resposnsible for decision-making and adoption of documents relating to internationalization proces Faculty management is responsible for implementing such documents and adapting study programs to meet the internationalization criteria Administrative staf f is responsible for providing assistance to the key stakeholders in internationalization process
Financing Internationalization Activities Due to specific ways of financing (Treasory system/Cantonal Ministry of Finances), the University of Tuzla has limitations in allocating funds to internationalization activities Therefore, these activities are mostly funded through EU funds, national and Federal funds/call
Key Activities Implemented by the International Relations Office and Office of Research Establishing cooperation with other universities, higher education institutions and other relevant bodies/entities (institutes, ministries and agencies) Providing administrative support to faculties/academic staff and students applying to various calls and programs Providing administrative support to project management
Internationalization Capacities The University provides administrative support to incoming and outgoing students and staff in terms of providing them with useful information and advice Although University used to cover some of the expenses for incoming students and staff, such as accommodation expenses and/or health certificate expenses, this is no longer the case due to the lack of funds
Situation Analysis PROGRAM 2012/ / / /2016TOTAL CategoryIncOutIncOutIncOutIncOutTOTAL JoinEU SEE III28 10 JoinEU SEE IV JoinEU SEE PENTA 7 7 SIGMA SUNBEAM 14 5 MEVLANA CEEPUS TOTAL
Study programs in English/Summer School/Joint Degree Programs With the exception of the Language Departments (English, German and Turkish), in the first cycle of studies the teaching is organized in the Bosnian language In the second and third cycle of studies, incoming students usually have individual classes in English (office hours) and are assigned projects they can carry out with their colleagues/peers
Rulebook on International Mobility In October 2012 the University of Tuzla adopted the Rulebook on International Mobility The Rulebook regulates the basic principles of mobility for incoming and outgoing students, academic and administrative staff, type and duration of mobility, the application process, the basic documents, rights and obligations of students, academic and administrative staff, the role of ECTS coordinator at the University and faculties, as well as other issues related to the implementation of the mobility program.
International Research Projects The University of Tuzla has participated in international research project and encouraged exchange of knowledge and collaboration in various fields of science. Currently, the University is participating in the following international projects: FP7 PROJECT : Optimized Diagnostics for Improved Treatment Stratification in Invasive Fungal Diseases – FUNGITEC SCOPES PROJECT : Computer aided process engineering applied to energy, water, and waste reduction during process design and operation SEECEL PROJECT : Developing the Entrepreneurial Society in Western Balkans and Turkey - support to the South East European Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning Research project: Transformation of Vehicle in Filter Mobile – TVIFIM
Cooperation Agreements The University of Tuzla has signed over 70 cooperation agreements with national and international universities and is focused on developing relationships with the academic community worldwide. Although cooperation agreements with the national and regional universities (universities in neighboring countries) yield most results in terms of specific cooperation activities such as participation in joint projects, mobility of students and academic staff, joint conferences and alike, the University has had increasingly good cooperation with the universities abroad, most notably universities in Turkey.
Registry of Researchers The University of Tuzla is currently in the process of collecting relevant data and creating a Registry of Researchers which would provide, among other things, overview of the papers published by the University academic staff