English 122 Course Outline Sept 2009 – Jan 2010
Units of Study Victorian Poetry –Quizzes –Tests –Essays & Assignments –Critical analysis Duration: approximately 6 weeks
“Frankenstein” Quizzes Novel Analysis & Presentations (groups) Essay Test Duration: Approximately 4 weeks
Seminar Presentation Small-group teaching seminar on topics relevant to “Frankenstein”. Duration: approximately 2.5 weeks
Research Paper Academic research paper. Properly formatted & documented (MLA) 4-5 good sources 6-7 pages long –Duration: approximately 2 weeks
“Hamlet” Critical Analyses Essays Quizzes Tests –Duration: approximately 5 weeks.
The Marks Tests 15% Writing 30% Seminar 10% Research Paper 15% Midterm Examination 10% Final Examination 20%
“Pleased to Meet You, Hope You Guessed My Name” Name: Strengths - academic, interests, sports, personal skills, other? What did you like about English 112? What did you dislike about English 112? What was your final mark in English 112? Circle one: 60-65; 66-70; 71-77; 78-84; 85+; Did you go to summer school? Y/N Who was your English 112 teacher? What you are looking forward to, with respect to this course? What you are most worried about (if anything)? Do you have a part-time job? How many hours do you work? Do you have any plans for next year? Good luck and have a great year, grads of 2010.