Issues (1/2) PO ◦New FESA classes. Debugging ◦Controls of the power converters. Controls/acquisitions Errors ◦PPM inconsistency after classes migration. PPM misconfiguration in DB ◦Weird signals on OASIS. Noise on signals ◦Laser update. Missing power converter status ABT ◦New classes Kickers & Bump. Debugging ◦PXI communication errors. Controls/acquisitions Errors RF ◦Crashes of the crate cfv-363-all1. Memory leaks. S.PASINELLI BE-OP-AD
Issues (2/2) CO ◦Crates cfv-233-cpow & cfv-250-cpow crashes. Cannot use CGAFG ◦Recurrent samplers faults. Cannot read samplers ◦Cycles generations errors. Cannot generate new Ar11+ cycles ◦Archives inconsistencies. All archives have been saved with the power converters OFF ◦Subscriptions time out. FESA3/RDA3 ◦GFA editor crashes. Cannot play with functions having only 2 points ◦Synthetic B-Train read & drive errors. Edge effect from the upgraded PSB&ADE instances + BTrainGenerator not refactored in LSA ◦Weird signals on OASIS. Noise on signals ◦Configuration. Missing functionalities of the Working set & Knobs configuration tools. S.PASINELLI BE-OP-AD
Main issues OP & MD Cycles generations ◦LEIR cycle partially generated ◦Copy of the not generated parts from existing cycles or archives ◦Discrepancy between high level and low level ◦YASP Faulty elements (DAC) not in LASER ◦Lost to much time to find the reasons of the beam lost. Status of the power supplies ◦Christmas tree. Security chain ◦Cannot inject beam in LEIR during PS or Switch Yard access Collecting data during MD’s ◦Spent to much time to copy/paste values from measurement applications. S.PASINELLI BE-OP-AD
Improve OP & MD Full cycle generation ◦Transfer lines (ITE,ETL,EI) ◦Injection ◦RF ◦Timing etc.. Understand the LEIR black boxes in LSA Generate cycles with long plateaus Improve class Mil1553 Improve the monitoring of the DAC Send raw data from applications to eLogbook S.PASINELLI BE-OP-AD
Conclusion We need: Better understanding of the LSA Cycle generation tools Add missing functionalities into the LSA cycle generation ◦Transfer lines, timing, RF, long plateaus etc.. Convince the owners of the measurement applications to implement “Send raw data to LEIR eLogbook” S.PASINELLI BE-OP-AD