Understanding Our Students with Disabilities Rory A. Cooper, PhD Brandon Daveler, MS Jonathon Duvall, MS S. Andrea Sundaram, MS Jessica Burkman, BS Matt Landis, BS
Empowering People w/ Disabilities Ensure human rights for people w/disabilities. Provide education and career opportunities for people w/disabilities. Create a brighter future.
Near-term Activities (1-12 months) Public recognition by Chancellor that “Diversity at Pitt Includes People with Disabilities” University wide celebration of Disability Awareness Month in October 2016 and every year thereafter University wide committee advising security, facilities, activities, training on inclusion of students, staff, and faculty with disabilities Accessibility policy that addresses the built- environment, educational technology, and digital content Digital accessibility review of external websites
Middle-term Activities (12-24 months) University-wide education targeting senior leadership, administration, faculty, and staff on the subject of accommodating to students with disabilities (more than a statement in the course syllabus) University-wide education on culture inclusive of people with disabilities for senior leadership, administration, faculty, staff, and students Needs and accommodations assessment for the campus to create an inclusive campus to study and work Engage students with disabilities advocacy organization and employees with disabilities resource groups to provide input, advice and accountability to inclusion needs and activities Host an “Ignite Inclusion Conference” highlighting the benefit of connections and collaboration among students, administration, faculty and staff (invite other universities to document and share effective practices) Deliver an innovation lab event engaging the disability community, STEM and business students and private sector professionals
Longer-term Activities (24-36 months) Gap between Disability Resource Services and what a student truly needs. (service, equipment, environment, and associated costs) Classrooms that are equipped for inclusive learning and accommodative to students and faculty with disabilities Establish a University wide “Disability Studies PhD” and “Disability Studies Certificates for Undergraduates”. Meet or exceed ADA requirements across campus (e.g., assisted listening technology, family bathrooms); create model inclusive workplaces. Budget allocation to support activities for inclusion of people with disabilities (student group, employee resource group) Clear mechanism for making accommodations for staff and faculty (includes enterprise policy, roles, resources and practices.)
Create an inclusive culture at the University that that promotes full inclusion and participation of people with disabilities.