The Power of Wind Presented by the Watt Team
Objectives 1 Students will collaborate to create a working wind turbine that will generate power. 2 Students will create a presentation that communicates the 8 steps of the design process. 1 - Identify a need/problem 2 - Research the need or problem 3 - Develop possible solutions 4 - Select the best solution 5 - Construct the prototype or model 6 - Test and Evaluate the prototype 7 - Redesign and Improve 8 - Communicate the solution
Requirements Students will individually... research using 7 sources create at least 2 solutions communicate their design process Students in groups will... create an energy company name and logo choose turbine design construct wind turbine evaluate wind turbine redesign and retest their turbine
Timing Day 1 Introduce Project Go over expectations and rubrics Review with students how electricity is produced using generators/turbines Review importance of developing and improving Green Energy
Day 2 Students work individually on computers with internet access to answer questions on activity sheet. Day 3 Students are assigned to groups. Students choose and design company logo. Students begin choosing a wind turbine.
Day 4 Students finish design and construct turbine. Day 5 Students test turbine and record results. Students may alter design based on results. Day 6 Students work on presentations together.
Day 6 Student Presentations Depending on timing limitations and teacher preference some parts can be assigned as homework. For instance, students could work on presentations using Google Docs over the course of the week.
Evaluation _/1 Asked at least one question or contributed a comment during the initial discussion on wind turbines. _/1 Brainstormed an initial rotor design. _/5 Constructed a wind turbine rotor. _/3 The rotor was able to produce electricity in at least one of the trials. _/3 Drew a diagram of the final design (1 pt.), including labels of materials (1 pt.) and blade dimensions/area(1 pt.). _/2 Completed worksheet calculations (0.5 pts/calculation). _/1 Asked at least one question or contributed a comment during the wrap-up discussion. _/4 Points on wind turbine quiz. _/20 Total Points
Peer Review 1. My team worked well together. strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree 2. I was often frustrated with my team. strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree 3. My team usually listened to my input and respected my ideas. strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree 4. I listened to my teammates and respected their input. strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree 5. Describe what you think was your best contribution to your company’s project: 6. Is there anything else you would like your teacher to know about how your team worked together?
Resources KidWind - National Geographic ent/global-warming/wind-power-interactive/ Ted Talks - _i_harnessed_the_wind.html BBC - edexcel_pre_2011/electricityworld/generatingelectrici tyrev2.shtml AE Kids -