Alison Tendler MD Jason Schmit OD
Elective vs. Medical Eyelid Procedures LOOKING GREATSEEING GREAT
Dermatochalsis with Pseudoptosis
Brow Ptosis
Chief complaint Visual fields (Humphrey superior 36) Clinical presentation Documentation in chart Photos Dictation letter to insurance company or other preauthorization Peer-to-peer review Elective vs. Medical Determination
MEDICAL I have to raise my brows to see better I miss things to the top/sides I must tilt my chin up to see better Things feel heavy Chief Complaint ELECTIVE I don’t like how I look I can’t put make-up on easily Things feel heavy
Clinical measurements
Elective Medical HVF
Elective?Medical? Photos/Clinical Exam
Elective Medical Photos/Clinical Exam
Clinical experience Chief Complaint Measurements Photos Visual fields Sometimes it will still come down to clinical experience!!
Example #1
Example #2
Example #3
Example #4
Case #1 Lifting eyelids often to see better Lateral hooding and skin on lashes MRD: 1.5mm OU HVF: > 30% loss OU
Case #1
Case #2 OS eyelid droopy MRD: 2mm OD 1mm OS HVF: > 30% loss OS
Case #2
Case #3 Hard to see surroundings MRD: 0.5mm OD 1mm OS HVF: > 30% loss OU
Case #3
Case #4 Tired eyes/heavy eyelids Lateral hooding and skin resting on eyelashes MRD: 0.5mm OD 1mm OS VF: >30% loss
Case #4
Case #5 Heavy upper eyelids and hard to see surroundings. Lower lid puffiness Skin resting on lashes MRD: 3mm OD 2mm OD HVF: > 30% loss OU
Case #5
CAN BE MEDICAL CAN BE ELECTIVE Take home message Need to look at the entire periorbital area: Eyebrows Eyelid skin Eyelid muscles Lower lid areas BOTH medical and elective components
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