August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB1 AFSRB Goal; To obtain authorization to commence flight test program for the SIERRA
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB2 Package Contents Overview –AFSRB presentation philosophy –Background –Features, Options, and Projected Performance Objectives Mission Objectives SIERRA Subsystems –Airframe –Power plant –Avionics Testing/Validation Plans –Ground Test Program –Flight Test Program Success Criteria Risk Assessment Operations Attachments, –Compliance Matrix, Ground Test Plan, Flight Test Plan, Drawing Package
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB3 Overview SIERRA AFSRB presentation philosophy; APR , Airworthiness and Flight Safety, 9 September 2005 is currently undergoing reviews and updates. The procedural requirements, as defined, are not yet fully developed for UAS, nor for new UAS AFSRBs. Hence this review will deviate from the outlined format and bridge those open items with a Compliance Matrix which will summarize requirement actions based on AFSRB Package, Ground Testing or Flight Testing elements. Because an AFSRB is a prerequisite for Flight Testing this review will serve as an Flight Readiness Review for Flight Testing The SIERRA AFSRB is focused on first flight authorization. Early development concepts were supported by Ames Aircraft Management Office
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB4 Overview SIERRA Compliance Matrix
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB5 Overview SIERRA Compliance Matrix
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB6 Overview Background SIERRA is a utility UAS, designed for testing, evaluating, and demonstrating developmental payloads and supporting associated missions. Its configuration and operation is highly versatile and adaptable to different payloads. SIERRA has proven design heritage Airframe designed by the Naval Research Labs Manufactured by recognized airframe manufacturer Components and control elements are designed for airframes by aircraft part manufactures Materials and fasteners, etc., where applicable use parts designed and manufactured to aircraft specifications Specifications and subsystem designs are base lined
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB7 Overview Features, Options, and Projected Performance Objectives Payloads up to 100 pounds Currently pusher (Can be re-configured as tractor) Engines 25.5 HP, gasoline fuel Flight control: RC pilot-in-loop Auto-stabilized manual (control stick steer) Autonomous GPS waypoint navigation Large payload volume 15” 15” 30” 2.5 hour endurance with 100 pound payload 55 kts. cruise speed 12 mile line-of-sight communications range
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB8 Overview Features, Options, and Projected Performance objectives SIERRA is an utility UAS for testing, evaluating, and demonstrating developmental payloads and supporting associated missions. Its configuration and operation is highly versatile and adaptable to different payloads. Payloads up to 100 pounds Currently pusher (Can be re-configured as tractor) Engines HP, gasoline fuel Flight control: RC pilot-in-loop Auto-stabilized manual (control stick steer) Autonomous GPS waypoint navigation Large payload volume 15” 15” 30” 2.5 hour endurance with 100 pound payload 55 kts. cruise speed 12 mile line-of-sight communications range SIERRA 3-View and Specifications, Pusher Configuration Wing Span Length Height Wing Area Empty Weight Gross Weight Max Speed Cruise Speed Stall Speed (clean) L/D Rate of Climb CG Position 20 ft ft. 4.6 ft sq. ft. 215 lbs. 345 lbs. 79 kts. 55 kts. 30 kts. 11:5 545 ft./min. 30% Chord
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB9 Overview Operating Limits Maximum gross weight: 330 lbs. Limit bank angle to 30° for autopilot operation Limit all flight conditions to 2.0 G maximum Maximum wind conditions, 20 kts. steady, 15 kts. gusting No operation in worse than light precipitation or icing conditions
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB10 Overview Mission Objectives First Order To validate and certify the SIERRA as a functional UAS Second Order To support a variety of research, first responder, Homeland Defense, applications with unique remote sensing payload capabilities in environments where UAS’s with SIERRA performance capabilities are advantageous Example mission, San Bernabe Vineyard Airborne Thermal Imaging Project Science objective is to demonstrate airborne thermal imaging systems as a means to mitigate frost damage to agricultural crops. Sensors, micro bolometer array camera, hyper spectral push-broom sensor to evaluate crop stress. Include are PC104+ data systems with supporting wireless modem, wireless network, GPS and INU subsystems to support remote operation, real time data downlink, and metadata infusion. Aircraft requirement (1)Altitude requirement in 3000 to ft range (2)Duration 4 to 8 hours (3)Payload 2 to 10 Kg (4)Cruise speed 20 to 40 m/sec
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB11 Overview Flight Envelope Elements Addressed in flight test program Hours of flight Altitude Duration Proven stability
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB12 SIERRA Subsystems Airframe –Design heritage and characteristics Dakota II (400+hours) and GHOST(25+hours) –Airfoil utilized on numerous NRL and vendor UAS –Materials Aircraft grade hardware and materials wehere applicable –All fasteners are A/C grade –Fabrication performed by recognized UAS manufacture –Predicted flight characteristics Base on Dakota and GHOST heritage
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB13 SIERRA Subsystems Power plant Engine, Herbrandson Dyad 290B Electrical system Designed and built by certified avionic technician, design concepts reviewed by Ames Flight Management Team Fuel system, NASA designed, Flight Management Team contributions Avionics Cloud Cap Piccolo II Autopilot Actuators HiTec digital, 1/4 scale R/Cats Honeywell Digital Compass
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB14 SIERRA Subsystems Systems health RCATS and Piccolo II RCATS covers: –RPM –4 currents – left aileron, left ruddervator, fuel qty., outboard flap –Power bus voltage and current –4 temperatures – left and right CHT, left and right EGT –Airspeed and altitude Piccolo II –Fuel flow –RPM –Airspeed and altitude Communications links Micro Hard, imbedded in Piccolo II AP –bidirectional –Up-command and control –On Data:AC systems information and positional location »Payload data
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB15 Testing/Validation Plan Ground Test Program (encompasses integrated systems testing) Testing Philosophy Static testing of all subsystems to verify system integrity, control, connectivity –Bench, static run ups, ground controls –Range check Subsystems tested Structural wing testing, loaded to 4.4 Gs –Successfully demonstrated the ability to support a positive 4.4 g flight load. –Performed by RnR Products Inc. »Approximately 1,232 lbs of sand was placed along the entire length of the wing to simulate a 4.4 g flight load. At full load, each tip deflected approximately 5.5 inches. The wing supported the total load for several minutes before sand removal commenced. »The wing recovered to its original position. –Reference Plan
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB16 Testing/Validation Plan Flight Test Program Testing Philosophy To systematically evaluate and validate handling qualities and tune flight control parameters –Test Plan will be implemented by certified team at Crow’s Landing –Test Plan will address ALL subsystem –Exercise all subsystems as designed to established operational boundaries Test Plan has compliance matrix of systems to be validated against AFSRB elements Example: AFSRB, Element; 4 Avionics, 4.1, Cloud Cap Piccolo II Autopilot, Section XXXXXXXFlight Test Plan –Piccolo II –Test Cards (from Cloud Cap) »Datalink validation »Turn rate control validation »Airspeed control validation »Pitch damper validation »Altitude control validation »Tracker control validation »Yaw damper control validation –Reference Plan
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB17 Testing/Validation Plan Flight Test Program Overview Pilot-in-loop operation Fail safe mode to terminate flight with loss of link 5 gallons maximum fuel load Inspection at conclusion of each test day. At 10 hours flight time, conduct full airframe inspection Test plan is progress, e.g., base on successful accomplishment of sequences
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB18 Risk Assessment Failure Modes and Effects Table Probability/Severity Table See pages 18A &18B
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB19 Risk Assessment Reliability Testing Engine, COTS with proven historical applications Actuators, COTS aircraft rated parts Servos used on NRL SPIDER autonomous helicopter As of July 6, 2006: 147 flights, 27.5 hrs and no problems with servos Cloud Cap systems, COTS with proven historical applications Communications –Micro Hard has significant flight time Flight termination system
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB20 Risk Assessment Engineered Risk Mitigation Extra braking capability Over engineered landing gear _____flaps for reduced take off and landing operations Implementation of dedicated NASA/FAA assigned command and control frequencies Fail safe mode to terminate flight with loss of link Inspection at conclusion of each test day Procedural Risk Mitigation Adherence to defined operational limits Utilize only trained, current, flight team personnel Pilot-in-loop operation 5 gallons maximum fuel load At 50 hours flight time, conduct full airframe inspection Test plan is progressive, e.g., base on successful accomplishment of sequences
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB21 Risk Assessment Actions taken during integration that have resulted in design modifications –Landing gear –wheels –Thermal plastic deformation……. –wiring power ;;;;;;;;;;;
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB22 Operations Area of Operation Within boundaries and defined operational parameters of Crow’s Landing for all test flight activities All operations conducted per base lined flight plan and procedures All activities performed by trained, certified, and current flight team
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB23 Operations Team roles and responsibilities Flight/Test Director (S. Dunagan) Responsible for development and implementation of fight plan Directs flight sequence, management of flight cards ATC interface Go-No-Go responsibility Pilot (L. Monforton) Full authority for platform operation during take off and landings Responsible for platform flight safety Responsible for performance/meta data interpretation and actions
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB24 Operations Team roles and responsibilities RSO (One of Certified SGE RSO Cadre) Air space and airstrip management. Early identification of potential airspace conflicts Direct communications to pilot Ground Station (B Lobitz) Responsibility for flight activities during autonomous control Direct interface to pilot Monitors meta data and responses to commands develop action recommendations Crew Chief (R Kolyer) Responsible for platform maintenance and airworthiness Provide preflight operations support to pilot
August 14, 2006SIERRA AFSRB25 Operations Collision avoidance Utilize SVADS See and Avoid Communications Procedures Implement defined roles and responsibilities, and communications plan FAA COA Operate under Moffett Field COA for Crow’s Landing Emergency Procedures Implement procedure for personnel safety, i.e., location of medical facilities/capabilities, POCs Implement NASA Ames Emergency Contact/Incident Reporting Policy, as required Inspections Perform test site inspections and verify equipment readiness via established protocols Log book (airframe, engine, propeller, avionics ) Perform accurate and timely entries of activities Verify compliance with all required maintenance elements