Devising Assessment Tasks PGCE CS IT
Objectives To consider how to plan for assessment To consider progression To think about collaborative learning
Learning Outcomes By the end of the session All trainees will: be able to identify assessment opportunities in a lesson Most trainees will: be able to plan questions for formative assessment be able to plan focussed observations for formative assessment Be able to identify opportunities for formative feedback Some trainees will: be able to explain requirements for achievement of different learning outcomes relating to work based on KS4 or KS5 courses
Activity: planning assessments In A-level Groups Identify a lesson that comes first/early in your A-level topic Plan assessments in detail. Post your plan on KEATS in the forum “Introduction to Assessment” Be prepared for any one in your group to explain your plans and respond to questions at including commenting on how you worked as a group. Your plans must include: –Learning outcomes that are being assessed –How you manage the class to enable assessments-e.g. Whole class interaction with dialogic teaching, small group discussions –Descriptions of the assessments - e.g. – An oral open question that you would ask with ideas of the range of responses you might get and how you would follow up Some written questions you would use together with answers What you would look for in focussed observations Criteria you would use for assessment i.e. how would you decide whether the learning outcomes had been met An outline of an assessment record sheet Reference to the unit of work that you used as the basis how you would use the assessment information that you obtain
Teaching / assessment cycle
Activities that enable assessment
Some key ideas from assessment projects Questioning open-ended, challenging questions Dialogic teaching Interactive/dialogic v Interactive/authoritative approach Evaluative listening Exploring ideas in groups Constructive discussions Exploratory talk Feedback comments which inform students about what they have achieved and what they needed to do next Encouraging autonomous learning Creating a culture focused on learning where identifying mistakes and misconceptions are part of learning
Some key ideas from assessment projects Peer- and self-assessment Peer- > self-assessment The criteria for evaluating any learning achievements must be made transparent to students to enable them to have a clear overview both of the aims of their work and of what it means to complete it successfully. Such criteria may well be abstract— concrete examples should be used in modelling exercises to develop understanding. Students should be taught the habits and skills of collaboration in peer-assessment, both because these are of intrinsic value and because peer-assessment can help develop the objectivity required for effective self-assessment. Students should be encouraged to keep in mind the aims of their work and to assess their own progress to meet these aims as they proceed. They will then be able to guide their own work, and so become independent learners.
Some key ideas from assessment project The formative use of summative tests Students should be engaged in a reflective review of the work they have done to enable them to plan their revision effectively. Students should be encouraged to set questions and mark answers to help them, both to understand the assessment process and to focus further efforts for improvement. Students should be encouraged through peer- and self- assessment to apply criteria to help them understand how their work might be improved. This may include providing opportunities for them to rework examination answers in class. Traffic lights