The Economy Between 1973 and 2014, our trade deficit with the E.U was £50 billion pounds. Today it’s more than £100 billion. Each year, we make a net contribution to the E.U of £8.5 billion. We didn’t join the Euro yet are forced to bail it out EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. In 1973, the E.U had 36% of the world’s GDP. By 2020, that is forecast to fall to 15%. Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland for example are not members of the EU but have access to the single market through the European Free Trade Association. If the UK were to leave the EU, we'd be allowed to pursue our own wide-ranging trade agreements with other economic powerhouses such as the US, China, India, Brazil and Japan far more easily. Loads of money has been spent on unnecessary and inappropriate projects such as £760,000 for a "gender equal" cultural centre which was never built, over £350,000 for a project to get European children to draw each other and £155,000 for a Portuguese golf resort.
Politics The Human Rights Act 1998 would not apply in this country, we could have got rid of these two LONG ago. The E.U is completely undemocratic and unaccountable. We can’t make our own laws. David Cameron proposed a law which meant that asylum seekers and immigrants would have to work and contribute towards the UK for 4 years before being able to claim benefits. The E.U are completely against this so that’s as far as it will get. If we vote leave, we’ve basically got rid of David Cameron. That’s important.
Our Society Immigration is completely uncontrolled. Between September 2014 and September 2015, the net migration in this country was +323,000. At that rate, we’ll top 70 million by If Turkey joins, that would push us to 70 million much earlier. Our schools and hospitals are already struggling, we don’t need and can’t deal with this. We need to limit immigration to safe and manageable levels before we think about anything else. Leaving the EU could get our immigration levels into the tens of thousands. Commonwealth citizens who actually have some sort of link to this country (family etc.) can’t get in whereas EU citizens who have NO LINK WHATSOEVER to this country can waltz in whenever they please. There are many examples of EU immigrants sending benefits back to the country they came from.
A quick clip…
Some of the EU’s ridiculous laws Water does NOT prevent dehydration In 2011 they passed a law, which claimed scientists had found no evidence to suggest drinking water stopped dehydration. This meant manufacturers of bottled drinking water were prohibited from labelling their product with anything that would suggest consumption would fight dehydration. Tuition fees In light of the fact that the Scottish Government holds a policy of no tuition fees for “home students”, you would think that this would apply to the whole of the UK. However, due to a ridiculous loophole, the term “home students” applies only to Scotland and the rest of the EU, and NOT the rest of the UK. This means that a student from England/Wales/Northern Irelan have to pay as much as £9,500 per year to study at a Scottish university, while a student from Cyprus, for example pays nothing. The rule allows member states to “discriminate” against other parts of their country, but not against other states.
Remain’s Arguments “Prices of everything will go up”- The UK charged a 1.76% tariff on non-E.U imports. What makes European imports any different? “We’ll lose most of our big investors”- Our biggest investor is the USA. “Our security will be threatened”- We are protected through NATO and the UN, not the EU.