Instruction for 04/14/15 You need to copy the notes on the seed into your notebook. I will check tomorrow and you will receive a 100 for a participation grade if it is complete. You will earn a ZERO if it is not COMPLETE. When you are done you are to then do the crossword Puzzle_this will be a classwork grade.
Seeds EQ: How do seed structures help develop new plants?
Seeds Results from sexual reproduction and is formed by a flower. Contain a fertilized embryo that will form a new plant They contain 1 or 2 food storage areas. Easily dispersed by wind, water and animals
Provides protection prevents seed from drying out. Over time a mature plant will develop From the embryo. Cotyledon: provides Food for the embryo when it germinates. DRAW into your notebooks.
What is Dormancy? Dormancy is a period of time when a seed remains inactive. Dormant seeds can lay on the ground until spring.
What is Germination? Germination is the early stage of seed growth. The roots grow down and the stem and leaves grow up. The seed will become a mature plant which will produce more plants.
Germination Illustration
04/14/15 When you are done copying the notes on seeds, then you will need to complete the Crossword puzzle. The crossword puzzle will be graded. This will be a classwork grade. I will be checking to make sure you complete all these notes. This will count towards a participation grade.
Seed Video 1)Watch video and observe what is taking place. 2)Watch video and write down your observations in your notebook NOZI NOZI