2016 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION Korean approach to donor motivation and retention through the Red Cross Society Kim, Sunhee Korean Red Cross Blood.


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Presentation transcript:

2016 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION Korean approach to donor motivation and retention through the Red Cross Society Kim, Sunhee Korean Red Cross Blood Services

Since taking over the National Blood Center in 1958, and being delegated the national blood services from government (presidential decree No ) in 1981  No. of Blood Donors increased from 370,000 to 2.9million in 2015  No. of Staff in Blood Service is 2,046 (60.5% of Red Cross Staff) No. of Blood Donation 2,872,156 (100% unpaid donation) Annual Supply of Blood components 6,278,079 units Financial Status in 2015 Income 309,235 million won Expense 306,475 million won Annual Surplus 2,760 million won Glance at the Korean Red Cross Blood Services 2

3 ○ Blood Management Act Article 6 (Blood Management) Only the following persons may implement blood management: Provided, That a person who falls under subparagraph 3 shall not collect blood among blood management: 2. The Korean National Red Cross established under the Organization of the Korean National Red Cross Act ○ Organization of the Korean National Red Cross Act Article 7 (Services) ○ Regulation on the Safety of Medical Supplies Article 11

Blood Management Committee KRC Blood Services: 15 blood centers & others Hospital Blood Centers Government Ministry of Health and Welfare Ministry of Food & Drug Safety 93.2% of Blood donations collected by Korean Red Cross (2015) 4 Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC)

NameRoles and ResponsibilitiesDept. Ministry of Health and Welfare (MoHW) - Overall blood supply-demand management - Permission of the establishment of blood center - Decision of the price of blood products Division of Bioethics Policy Ministry of Food & Drug Safety (MFDS) - Overall collection and supply management of pharmaceutical product - Overall plasma fractionation management Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) - Evaluation of blood establishments - Investigation of transfusion-associated infection Division of Human Blood Safety Surveillance 6

100% VNRBD Number of Blood Donations Number of Blood Supply (Korean Red Cross) Total 2,722,6092,914,4833,053,4243,082,918 RC(%) 2,542,495(93.4)2,708,173(92.9)2,844,538(93.2)2,872,156(93.2) Year Number of Units Supplied For TransfusionFor Fractionation Sub-Total% % ,278,0794,048, ,229, ,272,2534,099, ,172, ,186,0074,242, ,943,

Red Cross played a leading role - Rapid growth in number of blood donations - Lack of government’s investment (government’s subsidies in ‘91~ ‘04 : 12m$) - Lack of government’s inspection & evaluation - Focusing on group donation (56%) - Focusing on individual donations (65%) - Strengthening government’s investment (government’s subsidies in ‘05 ~’12 : 117m$) - Strengthening government’s inspection & evaluation - Appearance of private blood centers Government played a leading role History The Korean government established National Blood Center KRC took over the National Blood Center and renamed it as KRC Blood Center KRC declared prohibition of paid donation and encouraged VNRBD The Korean government entrusted the national blood services to KRC

8 Jeju Blood Service HQs 15 Blood Center 3 Laboratory Center Plasma Fractionation Center Blood Transfusion Research Institute

Manufacturing and supplying blood products for transfusion (Self-sufficiency based on Voluntary Non Remunerated Blood Donation) Manufacturing and supplying blood products for fractionation (Self Supply rate 95.4% in 2015) Importing plasma derived medicinal products (12 kinds including tetanus) Management of blood donor information Donor Recruitment of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 9

Donor Motivation & Recruitment activities in Korea Donation pledge by organization First time donorRegular donor Donors in their 30, 40s General citizen - Raising awareness on VNRBD Every blood donor - SMS after blood donation : Thank you for the participation, next donation date - World Blood Donor Day celebration, Blood Donation Day event - Sharing Blood Test result Donors’ Hall of fame Award ceremony(30 th ~ 400 th ) Poster, Leaflet, Advertisement, Newspaper, Website, SNS, ABO exploration hall Mobile application(Smart Blood donation), Education materials (Text book), and etc Thank you card First donor kit Guideline for the second donation

Introducing KRC Blood Services, providing information on blood donation and etc Providing services : Reservation, Search for Blood Donation Center, Counselling, Electronic Donor Interview, blood test result and etc No. of Visitors : 40 thousand donors use electronic donor interview and 500 donors make a reservation a week on average Since Website – bloodinfo.net

Developed in cooperation with SK Telecom 150 thousand downloads ( ) Ranked at the 10 th of Mobil Apps in health and welfare field in 2012 (the No. of downloads) Menu: Find Blood Donation Center, Reservation, Electronic Donor Interview, Donation Information and etc No. of Users /week : 1000 Electronic Donor Interview, 500 reservation Mobile application

, visitor 788,650 neighbor 962,248 Social network Services Kakao storyFacebookBlog

- Famous Entertainers : Singer, Comedian, Sport Star, Actor, Actress, etc PR Ambassadors

Providing information about blood donation and creating intimacy & friendship on blood donation for the future donors located in National Science Museum Can experience Blood Cell Kaleidoscope, Measuring Blood Volume, Quiz, Blood Vessel Experience Rider and etc Operated since April 2014 ABO Blood Donation Exploration Hall

Providing opportunity for donors to donate money equivalent to their blood donation gift to the need ,800,000won (51,201people) ,894,000won Blood Donation Voucher

Blood donors who pledged to donate blood regularly established in 1999 in order to ensure stable blood supply Donor who donated more than 2 times within a year can be a member Registered Blood Donor System Year Total no. of donation in Red Cross New registered donor Accumulated registered donor No.of donation %/total donation 20152,872,156136,233780,6201,224, % 20142,844,538128,295709,1811,157, % 20132,708,173121,504654,1241,026, % Provide a chance to participate in the special events(Movie, Tour, Book event, and etc) for the registered blood donors

Year No. organizations Corporate partners which pledges to donate blood regularly Group (company, public institution, etc) pledges to take part in blood donation movement and activities to proliferate donation culture regularly every year Goal: To promote the participation of middle-aged donors

Awards program - 30 times : silver medal - 50 times : gold medal times ~ 300 times : honorary medal For donors who donated more than 400 times - presenting memorial tablet with celebration in blood donation center Registration in the hall of fame(website) times donation donors : 4,660 Donations30 ~50~100~200~300~400~500~ 600~ , ,7115, Programs to Appreciate Regular Donors

Voluntary Hour Recognition 4 Hours Recognition per donation  since  all kinds of blood donations  limited to 5 times for WB donation, 24 times for Apheresis, 96 hours at the maximum a year donation

University & High school students or Red Cross Youth who participate in blood donation promotion Main Activities - Regular promotion with blood center and blood donation center - Every 13th ‘Blood Donation Day’ campaign - Donation campaign and publicity to women and middle-aged people Blood Donation Supporters & Red Campaigner

Providing education materials to schools Using blood donation ad for the lesson plan Providing education materials including school text book

Thank You