R elational w isdom may be defined as your ability to discern emotions and interests in yourself and others, to interpret them in the light of God’s Word, and to use this insight to manage your responses and relationships constructively.
Six skills that become habits: 1 God-Awareness is your ability to interpret all of life in the light of God’s character, works, and promises
Six skills that become habits: 2 God-Engagement is your ability to faithfully trust, obey, and imitate God
FOLLOW Your GPS (GOD POSITIONING SYSTEM) G lorify God P ursue God S erve God “Choose this day whom you will serve …. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” Joshua 24:15
Six skills that become habits: 3 Self-awareness (humility) is your ability to accurately discern the feelings, desires, beliefs, and interests that are driving you.
Your ability to interpret all of life in the light of God’s character, works, and promises Your ability to faithfully trust, imitate, and obey God Your ability to accurately discern your emotions, interests, strengths, and weaknesses
5 Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” 1 Peter 5:5 Your ability to accurately discern your emotions, interests, strengths, and weaknesses
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! 24 And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! Psalm 139:23-24
Your ability to accurately discern your emotions, interests, strengths, and weaknesses 22 So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. 2 Tim. 2:22
Your ability to accurately discern your emotions, interests, strengths, and weaknesses 1 What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? 2 You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions. James 4:1-3
Your ability to accurately discern your emotions, interests, strengths, and weaknesses 21 For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, 22 coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. 23 All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.” Mark. 7:21-23
Self aware: What is true about me? What am I feeling? Why? What do I need, fear, or want? How have I let these things control me? How have I sinned in thought, word, or action? What are my strengths? My weaknesses? Who am I in Christ? What difference does this make?
become more self-aware R.E.A.D. YOURSELF R ecognize your emotions E valuate their source A nticipate the consequences of following them D irect them on a constructive course “DO A 180”
become more self-aware R.E.A.D. YOURSELF R ecognize your emotions E valuate their source A nticipate the consequences of following them D irect them on a constructive course “DO A 180”
become more self-aware R.E.A.D. YOURSELF R ecognize your emotions E valuate their source A nticipate the consequences of following them D irect them on a constructive course “DO A 180”
I Give You My Heart Morgan, Reuben This is my desire, To honor You. Lord with all my heart I worship You.
All I have within me I give You praise. All that I adore Is in You.
Lord I give You my heart. I give You my soul. I live for You alone
Ev'ry breath that I take Ev'ry moment I'm awake Lord have Your way in me.
This is my desire, To honor You. Lord with all my heart I worship You.
All I have within me I give You praise. All that I adore Is in You.
Lord I give You my heart. I give You my soul. I live for You alone
Ev'ry breath that I take Ev'ry moment I'm awake Lord have Your way in me. © 1995 Reuben Morgan (Hillsong) (Admin. in U.S. & Canada by Integrity's Hosanna! Music) CCLI License No B1