Welcome to Ms. McCrea’s Classroom Room x 653
Personal Info 10 th year teaching in district LA/Reading is my favorite subject Parent of 2 High Schoolers Both attended SEMS Born in OK, went to OU and BU Teacher Credential Chapman U 2 cats/1 dog
LA and Reading One block Skills intertwine Separate grades for each class This is a modified classroom using material in General Ed classroom
Curriculum/Material Inside and ACT workbooks Novels (Hatchet, Esperanza Rising) Reading Groups – book of choice News ELA – online news articles students can change reading level SRA Reading Lab
Communication Student can talk to me. It is important they learn to advocate for themselves. Timing is key You me Letter via student Phone call
Website Staff have their own websites Go to school website I will post my homework on my calendar. I will post events on my website.
Grading Aligned with General Education Assignments Assessments Each have points and an average is reached
Homework Spelling each Monday, Homework due Friday with a test Review of what we did in class for reinforcement Stamp for returning on time. Can turn in late or do for partial credit
Learning Groups Class will work in CLG Groups will change Each person has a job, rotates Students learning how to work in a group
Growth Mindset Students will be challenged with the idea that growth can be uncomfortable but that is ok. I’m not a _______ yet. Mistakes are part of the process and celebrated.
BYOD pilot classroom Students will bring in their own device for classroom work. I have permission slips each student must return before we begin. BYOD link on website.
Blog link I have a link on my website (McCrea LA and Reading I will periodically post photos and a paragraph about what we are doing. Good conversation starter about what is happening in the classroom.
Remind I am experimenting the App called Remind. A great way to connect classroom and home. Text – # and message/text –
Video clips