ACADEMIC DISHONESTY. Role of Student representations. Presented by: Viaceslavas Palkevicius National Union of Student Representations of Lithuania
Academic dishonesty? 1. Bribery 2. Cheating 3. Copying of different types of works 4. Sexual harass
Academic dishonesty. Bribery. Sociological Survey on Situation of Corruption within Higher Education Institutions in Lithuania (2003) Nr. of respondents: 1000 Students in Lithuanian Higher Education Institutions 14 Universities, 25 University colleges
Academic dishonesty. Bribery.
Academic dishonesty. Cheating. Sociological Survey on Situation of Student Cheating within Higher Education Institutions in Lithuania (2004) Nr. of respondents: 1000 Students in Lithuanian Higher Education Institutions 14 Universities, 25 University colleges
Academic dishonesty. Cheating.
Academic dishonesty. Sociological researches on “Copying of works” and “Sexual Harassment” will be presented in 2005
Academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty. Student participation in fighting against academic dishonesty is relevant and necessary. 3 levels of representation: 1.Local level (Local student union, Student parliament, Student Representation, Student Council etc.) 2.National level (National Union of Students) 3.International level (International student organizations)
Academic dishonesty. Local representation. Role of Local student representation 1.Local student union (LSU) as an authoritative and trustful student representation body; 2.LSU should create and implement prevention of corruption system in Higher education institution (HEI). Same roles for National Union of Students (NUS) and International Student Organizations (ISO)
LSU as an authoritative and trustful student representation body: Democratic elections and control of LSU; Independence; Responsibility in representing. Academic dishonesty. Local representation.
Prevention of corruption system: 1.Teachers’/Lecturers’, students’ codes 2.Anti-corruption commission/work group ( ½ students, ½ teachers/lecturers) 3.Regular public discussions within HEI 4.Regular observation of situation within HEI 5.Education
Academic dishonesty. National representation. Prevention of corruption system: 1.Legislation 2.Supervision of LSU 3.Regular public conveyance about phenomenon 4.Regular observation of situation within Country 5.Education
Academic dishonesty. International representation. Prevention of corruption system: 1.Cooperation with International Governmental Organizations and International Non-governmental organizations (UNESCO, Transparency International etc.) 2.Supervision of NUS 3.Regular public conveyance about phenomenon 4.Regular observation of situation within Region 5.Education
First time student representatives began discussion about corruption in HEI in 2002 in discussion organized by LSAS In 2003 LSAS accomplished first sociological research (student survey) about corruption in HEI which raised many “hot” discussions within academic society. In 2004 LSAS together with Governmental Institution of Special Investigation Services organized 8 seminars for student representatives from all HEI in Lithuania. Those seminars became an inspiration for LSU to fight against the phenomenon.
In 2004 LSAS organized many discussions with academic society and realized many actions about the problem
It was enough for 30 % of student representatives to start working in the area of stimulating transparency…………