June 14, 2009
Become aware of: How the continuous improvement process relates to the instructional decision-making process The guiding principles of IDM The four elements (system, content, instruction, and assessment) that the IDM process is built around IDM Framework questions The importance of data and data analysis in the IDM process To gain a better understanding of the process and how it may benefit your district/building
Needs Assessment PlanningImplementation Evaluation The process we use to get even better!
Needs Assessment Gather data systematically Multiple sources of data- Internal/External Organize data Determine needs and baseline Often driven by a question
Data Analysis – matching identified needs with research based approaches Create action plan(s) – that address all need areas Establish intended results/goals Align resources with needs and plan for implementation Planning
Implementation Implement action plan(s) w/ integrity Monitor implementation of plan Monitor progress toward intended results (groups and individuals) Monitor resources Mid-course corrections as necessary
Evaluation Collect and analyze data to determine the merit, worth and success of the plan/program toward meeting goal(s) Evaluate progress toward intended results Modify plan if data indicate
8 Instructional Decision Making Process Student Performance Iowa Core Curriculum Iowa Professional Development Model Comprehensive School Improvement LEA and AEA Positive Behavior Intervention Supports General Education Interventions
Discuss with a partner the following questions: How is the CIP applied in your school? Which Phase(s) does your school do well? How do you know? Which Phase(s) does your school need to improve? How do you know?
A process that includes an ongoing set of systems and strategies designed to increase the capacity of schools to educate ALL Students and increase student achievement and behavioral success.
IsIs Not A process used to implement effective instructional and assessment practices An “off the shelf” instructional program A process that matches needs (identified at all levels) with actions and resources Intended to encourage placement of students into any special program A collaborative effortPossible to implement alone Uniquely designed for each buildingThe same for every district, school, or classroom An “Every” education process Limited to only academic issues Just a general education, special education, Title I, or gifted and talented initiative.
Successful Student Outcomes are better achieved with an integrated system School Improvement Supplemental and intensive supports No Child Left Behind PBIS
15 Accelerated students Struggling students Grade level expectation BELL CURVE 5%15% 80%
Content (Intended Curriculum) Assessment (Assessed Curriculum) Instruction (Enacted Curriculum) System Effective Data Based Decision-Making Are also the main elements of ICC
“The IDM process begins with each student having access to, as well as the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of, a guaranteed and viable content which demonstrates rigor and relevance. 17
Assessment Processes Screening Formative Diagnostic Summative An assessment tool is defined according to its purpose/function and the data analysis question that it answers.
Cycles of Instruction Core Supplemental Intensive 19
The district adopted comprehensive curriculum (content) Generally received by all students at grade level and appropriately differentiated (instruction) Strong enough to ensure that at least 80% of the students meet grade level expectations. Data – Screening, diagnostic, classroom based/formative and summative assessments (assessment) Core Instructional Cycle
Instructional Decision Making
Supplemental Instructional Decision Making Supplemental Guidelines Must be designed to match identified needs using screening and diagnostic data (Content) Research Based instructional practices and materials. (Instructional /Content) Almost always provided in smaller groups (Instruction) On-going data (minimum bi- weekly) determines need to continue, discontinue, or change (Assessment) In addition to core!!
Instructional Decision Making
Provides for needs not being met with supplemental Must be designed to match identified needs using diagnostic student data Research based Provided in small groups or individually On-going data(minimum of once per week) determines need to continue, discontinue, or change In addition to core! Intensive
IC Intensive Cycle Supplemental Cycle Formula for Success
“All teaching and learning occurs within a system. Characteristics of that system can either enhance or detract from the overall success of any educational effort.” 28
Mission/Vision Complex Change Infrastructure Development Implementation
Mission…purpose or reason for being Vision…is the capacity to create and communicate a view of a desired state of affairs that induces commitment among those working in the organization. Thomas Sergiovanni, 1984
Explanation of ‘why’- Provides the foundation for all work Increases sustainability Is a combination of vision and support Intended benefits: Increases personal investment Raise student performance Validation of concerns Provides information to decrease anxiety and support change
= Change Confusion = = = = = ++++ VisionSkillsIncentivesResources Action Plan ++++ Skills IncentivesResources Action Plan ++++ Vision Incentives Resources Action Plan ++++ VisionSkills Resources Action Plan ++++ VisionSkills Incentives Action Plan ++++ Vision SkillsIncentives Resources Adapted from Knoster, T. Anxiety Resistance False Starts Frustration
The major foundational structures necessary to support the implementation and sustainability of IDM: Components of your action plan Content, Instruction and Assessment in Core, Supplemental, and Intensive Cycles Strong Administrative/ Leadership Team Professional Development Resources (time, people, money) District/Building policy and procedures Technical Assistance Parental Involvement Action Plan: Developed and Communicated Needs Assessment PlanningImplementation Evaluation
The Building Leadership Team is a group of people, representing the larger school community, who collaborate through a structure of shared leadership in order to successfully implement this process into schools and work to increase student performance and achievement. National Institute for Urban School Improvement
Roles Administrator Data Coach Content Coach Internal Coach - School team member External Coach – AEA 267 IDM team member, Special Education Team Rep and/or Ed Services building contact
District-Leadership Team - Process Building/Initiative Leadership Teams - Content Grade Level/Department Teams – Day to Day Implementation
“…this component provide a description of the process by which the plan elements will be brought together….pieces of a puzzle…each piece is necessary to form a complete picture.” This is where all This is where all of the planning pays off! of the planning pays off! The process of bringing the action plan to life…
1.Is our core cycle sufficient? 2.If the core is not sufficient, why not? 3.How will needs identified in core be addressed? 4.How will the sufficiency and effectiveness of the core cycle be monitored over time? 5.Have improvements to the core been effective? Framework Questions Core Instruction Needs Assessmen t Planning Implementa tion Evaluation
6.For which students is the core cycle sufficient and not sufficient, and why? 7.What specific supplemental and intensive instruction/curriculum is needed? 8.How will specific supplemental and intensive cycles be implemented? 9.How will the effectiveness of supplemental and intensive cycles be monitored? 10.Which students need to move to a different cycle? Framework Questions Supplemental /Intensive
Six planned professional development days IDM – district/school needs assessment survey (Due dates: CL-Nov., 24 th, CF-Nov., 19 th, and MT-Nov., 24 th ) Establish a leadership team (to attend the training and provide leadership during infrastructure development and implementation. District/building Mission and Vision statement submitted Scheduled team meetings (minimum of one to two times between training sessions) Action Plan development and follow through –drafts submitted periodically May 2011 site visit to review current implementation and outline technical assistance needs for the school year
Framework Questions- Core (1-5) Supplemental/ Intensive (6-10) Core Supplemental Intensive
…….A critical element to consider with staff when building your instructional decision making process.
Stiggins, 2005 Five Quality Assessment Standards
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should! Add Subtract Multiply Divide + - X / NominalOrdinalIntervalRatio
What is meant by “data analysis”? Data analysis simply means that a set of data (typically numeric) is separated or broken apart in several ways in order to answer specific questions and gain insight. Needs Assessment PlanningImplementation Evaluation “data analysis” occurs in every phase of the continuous improvement process
Number of hours a week for data analysis Other ParticipantsBest PracticeDifference Elementary school teachers % Middle school teachers % High school teachers % Central Office staff % “Best practice” districts allocates more time for teachers and central office administrator members to review data each week. Source: Education Week, June 30, 2008
A solid understanding of data and data sources Use of multiple sources of data that are easily obtained Use technology as an organizational tool (Excel, S.W.I.S.S., H.E.A.R.T, EdInsight - Iowa Data Warehouse) Questions of inquiry to guide your “digging”
A solid understanding of the content being taught and assessed (alignment) An ability to engage in item/skill analysis – drill down An ability to share results/impressions with others in a visual format (make a picture of your data!) Link data with action plans Application within a systematic decision making process
Needs Assessment PlanningImplementation Evaluation The process we use to get even better! Core Cycle of Instruction
Instructional Decision Making Struggling Students Ready Accelerated Students All these students will receive core instruction. In addition, 7 will need supplemental instruction and 3 will need intensive instruction.
Multiple sources of data - Triangulation NameData AData BData C Jill Rob Betty18651 Billy Andy Cindy571403
Possible Causes Core not sufficient Cause Who? What? When? Extent? Where? Patterns?
12345 Action PlanEvaluation Goal Statement/ Priority Action Steps: Implementation Design Who Support Items Needs Costs Specific Outcomes/ Success Criteria Gathering Data/ Assessment Techniques All data analysis efforts must culminate in the development of an action plan so areas of need can be addressed in a timely manner Needs Assessment PlanningImplementation Evaluation
Needs Assessment PlanningImplementation Evaluation The process we use to get even better! Supplemental and Intensive Cycles of Instruction
1. Use only interventions that are proven to work 2. Matched to student(s) need 3. Implementation fidelity 4. Progress Monitoring Witt, 2008
Instructional Decision-Making Framework for ICC (Cohort 3) Professional Development Dates AEA 267 Office Locations Trainings held 8:30 AM -3:15 PM each date (Lunch will be provided) DatesCedar Falls-3Clear Lake-3Marshalltown-3 November 2010 Day 1 and 2 2/39/1015/16 December 2010 Day January 2011 Day February 2011 Day April 2011 Day May 2011 (snow date) 345 May 2011District