Rubrics The VALUE Project & UW-Whitewater Rubrics Joan Littlefield Cook
A SSESSMENT How will we know that students have achieved the essential learning outcomes? Assessment of learning Can students receive periodic feedback on their progress (part of giving students a compass)? Assessment for learning
AAC&U VALUE P ROJECT V alid A ssessment of L earning in U ndergraduate E ducation Assessment project motivated by a “push for accountability and transparency in higher education driven by a sense that students in the United States are lagging behind students in other countries, and a resultant call for comparisons of student performance across campuses based on a score derived from one of a few national tests.” -- Terrel Rhodes (2010), AAC&U, Assessing Outcomes and Improving Achievement: Tips and Tools for Using Rubrics (p. 1).
VALUE R UBRICS HTTP :// WWW. UWW. EDU / LEAP / FACULTY - AND - STAFF - RESOURCES / VALUE - AND - UWW - RUBRICS HTTP :// WWW. UWW. EDU / LEAP / FACULTY - AND - STAFF - RESOURCES / VALUE - AND - UWW - RUBRICS 100+ faculty and staff professionals 12 “Leadership Campuses” Nearly 100 additional campuses tested rubrics Meant as guides and starting points To be tailored for individual campuses, courses Represent a shared, national vision of what we expect college graduates to know and be able to do “Level 1” = beginning college work “Level 4, Capstone” = level expected at graduation
UWW R UBRICS Writing Matters Speaking Well Diversity Learning Critical Thinking Information Literacy
A CTION P LAN M EASURES What do you want to accomplish in your action plan? How will you know …? Short-term, Long-term Quantitative, Qualitative
G ET S PECIFIC Brainstorm at your table Identify at least one possible outcome of your plan Identify at least one measure that would tell you if/to what degree you’ve achieved the outcome Can the VALUE or UWW rubrics help?