Gabriela Ramirez Student Intern May 1, 2016
SERVICE Balancing Life Organize: take notes, make lists, schedule my activities Adapting the right mindset: Be realistic Communication tactics Listen Friendly Make students feel welcome Be supportive
Leadership My Top 5 Futuristic - Set goals for future, always looking at the big picture. “eye on the prize”. Encouraging others Includer - Instinctively accepting person. Likes to surround myself with many people. Show respect. Represent others Focus -Keeps me disciplined as it forces me to be efficient. Valuable team member. Independent. Identify role models Achiever -Able to balance being full student and staying on top of my classes, working at the center for student life, being a mom 24/7, president of the Punte Club, and volunteering in extra curriculum activities. Competition - Just like all competitors I need others. Challenge, achieve, believe. Demonstrating strong work ethic with integrity, sense of teamwork, reliability, and a positive attitude.
Community All the resources are very important and should take advantage of Learnt about new services Policies have a meaning and are meant to be followed Cañada College is a very diverse school and makes it show by caring and involving the community Three take-aways -Respect -Learning and growth -Increase creativity and problem solving
Engagement ★ Dia De Los Muertos ★ Flex day ★ Progressive Registration Day ★ Club Rush ★ College Success Day ★ Quidditch game ★ Connect to College ★ Holi Fest ★ Human Trafficking Awareness Personal development, networking, develop leadership skills, communication, working as a team
Closing Thoughts Thank You!!