Trafficking for forced labour and labour exploitation: Anna Ekstedt CBSS TF-THB Senior Adviser 7 June 2011 Oslo, Norway.


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Presentation transcript:

Trafficking for forced labour and labour exploitation: Anna Ekstedt CBSS TF-THB Senior Adviser 7 June 2011 Oslo, Norway

The Council of the Baltic Sea States was created in 1992, with a permanent secretariat in Stockholm provides an intergovernmental platform for regional cooperation receives strategic guidance from annual Summits or Ministerial meetings works through network – and project – based activities

Member States Denmark Estonia Finland Germany Iceland Latvia Lithuania Norway Poland The Russian Federation Sweden The European Commission

CBSS Long-term priorities Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings

5 TF-THB: Overall Objective The CBSS TF-THB strives to counteract trafficking in human beings in the Baltic Sea Region and its near vicinity through preventive and protective activities Mandated to fight human trafficking for all forms of exploitation Information sharing to identify gaps and needs Implement joint activities and develop tools to enhance the counter trafficking work in the Region Emphasis on practical hands on work - inhouse project implementation

6 TF-THB: Strategic Activities Training Seminars on human trafficking for diplomatic and consular personnel in cooperation with the IOM

Handbook for Diplomatic and Consular Personnel 7

8 TF-THB: Strategic Activities Regional Information Campaign against Trafficking in Human Beings

9 TF-THB: Strategic Activities Improved Data Collection and Support to Research

10 TF-THB: Strategic Activities Joint Project with the UNODC on Fostering NGO- Law Enforcement Cooperation in Preventing and Combating Human Trafficking in, from and to the Baltic Sea Region

11 TF-THB: Strategic Activities Model Memorandum of Understanding between law enforcement agencies and specialist service providers Comparative Regional Legal Analysis on Human Trafficking, focusing on methods for successful prosecution in THB cases DEFLECT – Data and Education on Forced Labour Exploitation and Counter Trafficking Cooperation with Border Guards

DEFLECT D C E L F E T ata ducation orced abour xploitation ounter rafficking

13 DEFLECT – Objectives To prevent trafficking for forced labour To identify, assist and protect victims To provide a firm basis for targeted policy making

14 DEFLECT – Objectives DEFLECT aims to resolve: The lack of knowledge among operational actors with the capacity to identify and assist victims The insufficient collection of comparable and consistent data The insufficient and uncoordinated communication between different actors

15 DEFLECT – Partners

16 DEFLECT – Target Groups Labour Inspectorates Trade Unions Employer’s associations Employment and Recruitment Agencies Law Enforcement Agencies – Police; Border Guards Public Officials – Ministries; National Rapporteurs/Coordinators; Tax and Customs officer

17 DEFLECT – Phase One Expert Level Conference – 7 – 8 June 2011 Baseline Study on trafficking for labour exploitation in the Baltic Sea Region Development of a training curricula

18 DEFLECT – Phase Two Four training seminars Development of a data collection checklist Publication of a handbook for labour actors Development of data collection guidelines A side-event to the 9 th Baltic Sea States Summit, Germany

Thank you