Summary of Major Points Quarantine / Isolation Planning Process Accomplishments Continuing Projects Where we go from here... SUMMARY Isolation / Quarantine Seminar
SUMMARY Isolation / Quarantine Planning and Response 1. We must be proficient at several things: Protecting the public Protecting our coworkers and critical infrastructure components Following due process Coordinating clear, accurate and timely health messages to responders and the public Implementing policy decisions And working as a team
2. Implementation may directly involve MANY jurisdictions and disciplines Public HealthHome Health Nursing HospitalsMental Health Providers EMSPublic Information Officers Law Enforcement Emergency Management Legal Transportation Schools Human Service Organizations SUMMARY Isolation / Quarantine Planning and Response
3. Planning process must include these same participants – Identify agency roles and responsibilities (Understanding yours and others) – Determine special equipment needs – Identify resource capabilities and limitations SUMMARY Isolation / Quarantine Planning and Response
4. Embrace creative thinking during planning and response – Can not plan for every possible contingency – Be prepared to develop solutions where there are no precedents SUMMARY Isolation / Quarantine Planning and Response
Three Phases: – Legal and Enforcement – Human Services Support – Facility Management Isolation / Quarantine Planning Process
Next steps… Continue to refine legal procedures – conduct training and “walk through” exercise Develop and conduct joint training with law enforcement, Public Health staff – identify staff members – develop and deliver curriculum – acquire personal protective equipment and conduct training Isolation / Quarantine Planning Process
Next steps… Expand Human Services Planning – Convene Human Service Teams by Zone – Develop procedures for supporting patients in homes and facilities Begin identifying quarantine and isolation facilities – Identify facilities by Zone – Develop logistical support plans for each facility – Need additional planning resources Isolation / Quarantine Planning Process
Next steps… Convene Quarantine and Isolation Workshops – Conduct by Zone plus one for Hospitals – Define roles and responsibilities – Identify logistical support issues and available resources – Identify specific responsibilities, concerns and resource needs involved with hospital isolation – Conduct table top exercises for each Zone Isolation / Quarantine Planning Process