Michigan City High School - VISION Excellence for Everyone
MISSION Michigan City High School, a diverse learning community committed to excellence, will ensure our graduates are responsible and productive participants in an evolving global society by focusing on:
Mission (cont.) Rigorous and engaged learning, A curricular foundation preparing students to be college and career ready, A safe and supportive environment, A highly effective staff, and Community, business, and family participation and ownership.
Cheyanne Cota, Madision Farless, Madlen Farless, Nathan Jones, Tayvion Jones, Markel Taylor and Demond Gaines
Boys Golf at Laporte (Uebele Invitational) Girls Tennis hosts Marquette at 4:00 p.m.
DUAL CREDIT Any new students who are interested in registering for a Dual Credit course with Purdue next fall, are now required to complete and submit an application by May 20. Please contact Mr. Ressler in the guidance office for further details or questions.
LGBTA Last meeting of the school year will be Friday, May 20. We will be watching a movie and hanging out. Plan on staying until 5.
SWEATS DAY Friday, May 20 will be the last sweats day of the school year. Wristbands will be available starting Monday at all lunches. $2.00 Monday thru Thursday $5.00 on Friday
Class of 2019 The Class of 2019 will have a steering committee meeting TODAY in Mrs. Freitag’s room. We will be discussing class elections for next year. This is a very important meeting so all freshman should attend.
YEARBOOK Don’t forget to buy your Yearbook! Last day to order is May 20! Grab an order form outside A102 and return to Mrs. Poulin.
BOYS TENNIS All Wolves expecting to play for Boys Tennis next fall, or anyone looking to get a great workout, are encouraged to join Coach Tsugawa and the team after school every Friday for the rest of the school year for conditioning. Meet in Coach Tsugawa’s room N128, ready to work.
Ultimate Frisbee Come join us as Ultimate Frisbee starts back up for the spring this Thursday. If you have any questions or would like additional information see Mr. Jepsen in A216.
Summer School Forms Summer School forms are now available. Please see your counselor for more details.
THOUGHT OF THE DAY Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life. Christiane Northrup, M.D.