Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. “homo” is Latin for “same” “phone” is Latin for “sound”
Its The cat chased its ball It’s It’s a hot day today It’s means it is. If you don’t mean it is, don’t put the apostrophe.
Their My neighbors love their new dog There There are three frogs in the pond. The bathrooms are over there. They’re Since my neighbors love gardening, they’re planting some new bushes Their is possessive. They’re means they are. There is used for everything else.
Were We were stuck in traffic for two hours! We’re We’re going to Florida this summer. We’re means we are. If you don’t mean we are, don’t use the apostrophe.
Than Zack is taller than Zoe. Then First we will wash the dishes; then we can watch TV. Use than when you are comparing two things. Use then when you mean time.
To I’m going to the store. I want to buy some new shoes. Two I will buy two pairs of shoes. Too Is that too much to buy in one day? Would you like to come too? Too means also or a lot. Two means the number 2. Use to for everything else.
Who’s Do you know who’s going to be at the party? Whose Whose turn is it to set the table? Who’s means who is. If you don’t mean who is, don’t use the apostrophe.
Are We are going to the mall. Our This is our house. Buy I’m saving my money to buy a car. By I have a night light by my bed.
Here When will Marcus be here? Here is the cd I borrowed. Hear Please talk louder. I can’t hear you. No No, I don’t like tomatoes Know Do you know how to bake bread?
Right At the next intersection, turn right. I believe I got all the answers right. Write Denise likes to write poetry Rode I rode a horse around the corral. Road Look both ways before you cross the road.
Through Let’s drive through the park Threw The pitcher threw a curve ball Week My birthday is one week from today. Weak I do push-ups so I’ll be strong, not weak.
Where Where is my hair brush? Wear What should I wear today? Accept I accept your apology. Except Joan remembered everything except her camera.
Bored On rainy days, little kids get bored. Board We were the last ones on board the plane. Steve cut the board in half with his circular saw. Break When you dry the dishes, be careful not to break one. After you work for two hours, you can take a ten minute break. Brake Hit the brake! You’re going too fast!
Dessert Finish your mashed turnips or you can’t have dessert. Desert Cactus grows in the desert. Loose These pants are too loose. Lose Don’t lose your gloves
Past History teaches stories from the past. Passed Oh no! We just passed the exit! Salley passed the class with a B. Piece May I have another piece of cake please? Peace While her baby took his nap, Samantha enjoyed an hour of peace.
Plane Have you ever ridden on an airplane? Plain I don’t want a fancy cake; please make me a plain one. A big, grassy area is called a plain. Sense That theory just doesn’t make any sense. I have an excellent sense of smell. Since Ever since I won the Academy Award, reporters bother me. Since I mowed the lawn, I believe you should trim the bushes.
Whether I wonder whether it will rain. Weather The weather is perfect for a picnic.