Return in Principle and Practice
Displaced Palestinians (up to 2015) 0 66% of the Palestinian population are forcibly displaced persons million people total million are 1948 refugees (5.1 registered) million 1967 refugees 0 720,000 are IDPS (384,200 (Israel) + 334,600 (oPt)) 0 Largest and longest standing refugee population in the world
Root Causes 0 Forcible Transfer 0 Colonization 0 Apartheid Jewish Nationals Palestinians with Israeli Citizenship (includes IDPs) Jerusalem Residents West Bank ID Holders (includes refugees and IDPS in the West Bank) Gaza ID Holders (includes refugees in Gaza) Seam and Buffer Zone ID Holders Refugees in exile
Return in Principle 0 Reparations =>restoration as much as possible to what was 0 Voluntary Repatriation => return 0 Property Restitution => reclamation of original property lost 0 Compensation => monetary or other property 0 Satisfaction including guarantees of non-repetition
Return in Practice 0 Detailed political agreements that ensure: 0 Individual rights 0 Repealed discriminatory legislation with an enforcement mechanism 0 Participation of rights-holders (victims, refugees and internally displaced persons) 0 International support and political backing 0 Comprehensive legislation framework with review mechanism 0 A system of return and restitution grounded in the rule of law 0 Restitution favored over pure compensation
Challenges 0 Self-Determination 0 Property Restitution vs Secondary Occupants 0 Security and Stability
Self-Determination 0 A collective right that is a framework to facilitate other rights 0 Does not sanction or require the division of states 0 Satisfied through democratic self-government within a pre-existing territory 0 Never a license for artificially changing demographic composition or privileging the rights of one ethnic/religious group over another
Property Restitution vs. Secondary Occupants 0 Palestinian refugees and IDPs as victims of a discriminatory land regime (state sponsored) have a right to restitution (from Israel) 0 The means by which the land was acquired is important 0 2˚ occupant rights would not block refugee return 0 Not all property rights are equal
Security and Stability 0 Addressing the root causes: 0 End ongoing forcible transfer, colonization and Apartheid 0 Colonization in all its forms: structural, economic, political, cultural 0 Security and stability are important concerns in deciding how not if to implement reparation 0 Durable and just solution/s must be consistent with international law and the requirements of sustainable stability.
Recommendations 0 Justice with stability 0 Rights holders participation 0 Reparation must be organized and systematic 0 Extensive reconciliation efforts 0 Preparation for reparations could and should begin before political agreements
What now? 0 Extensive awareness and education campaigns 0 Principles and Practicalities of Return 0 Return and restitution models 0 Past and present HRVs and crimes 0 Determine the characteristics of durable solutions and sustainable peace 0 Lobby and advocate for measures to end impunity and ensure accountability
Questions?? Return is Our Right and Our Will