Creative Commons Licences Dr. Lucie Guibault “Implementing Open Access Funders’ policies” 23 May 2013 Institute for Information Law
Overview Creative Commons Licences, upcoming version 4.0 RCUK policy and CC licences: Requirement of attribution (non)Commercial use Making derivative works Dealing with 3rd party rights “Implementing Open Access Funders’ policies” 2
Creative Commons Licences Lucie Guibault3 Version 4.0 Same core licensing suite Better structure; clearer wording Coverage of databases/ other related rights No adaptation to national law – no porting! Several significant ‘legalese’ improvements
Attribution keep copyright notices intact; and reasonable to the medium or means used by the licensee, provide the name the original author (or her pseudonym, or other attribution party, when provided); provide the title of the work if supplied; include the URI associated with the work (if it refers to the copyright notice or licensing information); and Type the footer here4
(non)Commercial use Potential consequences for author’s secondary income (reprints, royalties, copying etc) of books and journal articles CC-By excludes exclusive publishing agreements but DOES NOT exclude the sale of books, for ex. Type the footer here5
Derivative works Version 4.0 requires : that the licensee indicates if changes have been made – even if such changes do not lead to an adaptation; to keep copyright notice intact to link back to the original work to include a credit stating that the work has been used in the adaptation Type the footer here6
Third party rights Increasingly difficult to gain consent to publish 3rd party content in online publications Version 4.0 contains language requiring licensor to demarcate third party content Type the footer here7
Conclusion CC-By cannot prevent all bad things from happening but does encourage reuse and sharing CC-By requirements do not replace or exclude scientific guidelines or norms for reuse that account for academic practices!! Type the footer here8