Fogerty vs Fantasy Megan Butler Kim Hobbs Jesse Hardiek
Copyright "the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printer, audio, video, etc.” –
John Fogerty and Creedence Clearwater Revival John Fogerty May 28, 1945 Berkeley, CA Singer/songwriter Solo 1973 Creedence Clearwater Revival CCR 1968, rock band –John Fogerty (vocal, guitar, songwriter) –Stu Cook (bassist) –Doug Clifford (drummer) –Tom Fogerty (rhythm guitar)
Fantasy Records Established in 1949 Includes Debut Records, Galaxy Records, and Kicking Mule Records Named after a science-fiction magazine Began hitting Platinum in 1968 with CCR Country’s largest independent label
Copyright Act of 1976 January 1, 1978 Cleared up issues regarding: –Death of author, royalties to widows, authors rightsroyalties Rights: –Copy/reproduce, generate derivatives from original work, lease/sell copies, public performances, public display, digital sound recording
The Case Fogerty originally wrote the song “Run Through the Jungle” in 1970 for the band Creedence Clearwater Revival. After leaving CCR, he wrote “The Old Man Down the Rode” in The dispute between Fogerty and former label Fantasy Records was that the songs are the same music with different lyrics
Videos Run Through the Jungle The Old Man Down the Road
Royalty Fees Royalty fees are involved with the idea of a recording contract. When an artist signs a contract, part of the agreement is that the label will pay them a percentage of their record sales, typically 14-18%. These are known as royalties.