Patterns that are found within the Periodic Table Grade 9 Science
What are the 3 main groups found in the periodic table? Take a few minutes and look this up using your phone or tablet.
3 types Metals Metalloids Non-Metals
How to read the table Each column is called a group. Each row is called a period. Every group of elements have similar chemical properties (aka each column found on your table)
Back to Metal Most elements are metal… Everything in yellow.
Chemical Properties of Metal: Name some off of the top of your head?
Con’t 1.Shiny 2.Malleable 3.Ductile (can be drawn into wires) 4.Great conductors of heat 5.Solid if at room temperature
Non-Metals: Everything in green are non metal.
Tell me some chemical properties of non- metals:
Con’t 1.Not shiny 2.Brittle 3.Poor conductors for electricity 4.Many of these non-metals are gasses
What is a metalloid? Seen in purple.
What does metalloid mean?
Con’t Metalloids have characteristics of both metals and non-metals. Some of the chemical properties of metalloids are that they can conduct heat and electricity, but not very well. Silicon for example is shiny but not malleable.
The table can be split even further: Noble gases, all have similar chemical properties… these can be found in the upper right hand corner of the periodic table. These gases, are colorless, odourless, tasteless, and do not react with other gases or other elements. If electricity passes through the gas they will glow… What gas glows?
Ne for Neon: Neon coming to life:
Halogens: Halogens are non-metals found right to the left of noble gases. These elements are very reactive and are almost always found as compounds.
Alkali Metals Very reactive (even with air and water) Very soft metals Commonly found in compounds
Alkaline Earth Metals: These metals form ions with a + 2 charge and can bond with 2 other atoms. Reactive but less reactive than alkali metals.
The size of the atoms found in elements Atoms found in elements on the periodic table increase in size as they read right to left, bottom to top of the table. Take a look for yourself on the table.
Reactivity Scale The most reactive elements on the table can be found by looking at the top right corner (minus noble gas) and bottom left hand corner. Most reactive elements are Fluorine and Francium. What are the atomic numbers and atomic mass for both Fluorine and Francium? How many neutrons are there in each one?