Requisition Request Process for Inpatient Nursing Units for positions that are not Direct Care Positions Examples: Administrative Assistant, Unit Educator, Manager Note: There is a separate process document for Direct Care Positions
Requisition Review Criteria Replacement Productivity %>=95% Req. CompletenessComplete Time position vacant<90 days Solucient % (if applicable)Favorable to 50th New Position Productivity %>=100% Req. CompletenessComplete Payback Period/$Within 24 months Solucient % (if applicable)Favorable to 40 th **If a position has been vacant for >90 days, it will be reviewed as a new position (vacant defined as an individual left the organization and no requisition was created for 90 days – NOT a reflection of recruitment being unable to fill a position for 90 days. Agency Productivity %>=98% Req. CompletenessComplete Solucient % (if applicable)Favorable to 40 th **1 of below Currently Vacant Positions>5% of department Volume Trend>5% increase in recent 4 pay periods Reviewing list of posted positions Date posted>120 Days(positions posted for >120 days will be re-reviewed by committee)
PRN Positions – New & Replacement PRN Positions – New & Replacement Inpatient Nursing Units 1 Hiring Manager creates requisition in “Position Manager” Only answer the questions thru Rolling 4 Pay Period %. Do not complete the justification information/questions. Enter Productivity % (rolling 4 PPE average) Location: G:\\shares\departments\E5Productivity Tracker Enter Action OI(Solucient) %tile rank Manager selects Director as “Next to Approve” 2 If Director does not approve, sends back to Manager with comments. If Director approves, selects Liaison as “Next to Approve”. (refer to Liaison List) 3 Liaison approves requisition and selects “Requisition review” as the “Next to approve “ Human Resources Proceeds with posting
REPLACEMENT Process for Inpatient Nursing Units REPLACEMENT Process for Inpatient Nursing Units (for positions that are NOT Direct Care) 1 Hiring Manager creates requisition in “Position Manager”. Be sure to enter Solucient (Action OI) percentile & Productivity numbers. Answer all justification questions in “Position Manager” or attach Justification Form to “Position Manager”. Form location: Manager selects Director as “Next to approve” 2 If Director does not approve, sends back to Manager with comments. If Director approves, selects VP as the “Next to Approve” 3 If VP does not approve, sends back to Director with comments. If VP approves, select Liaison as “Next to approve”. Liaison list location: 4 Liaison reviews requisition and justification form for completeness. Liaison selects “Requisition Review” as the “Next to approve” 5 Requisition and supporting documents will be reviewed at the next committee meeting (committee meets weekly). Manager does not attend committee meeting. The Liaison will contact Hiring Manager if Committee needs additional information. 6 Senior Executive team reviews committee recommendation. If Sr Exec team approves request, position will be posted within 7 days of Committee review.
NEW POSITION Process for Inpatient Nsg Units NEW POSITION Process for Inpatient Nsg Units Budgeted & Non-Budgeted 1 Hiring Manager creates requisition in “Position Manager”. Be sure to enter Solucient & Productivity numbers. Answer all justification questions in “Position Manager” or attach Justification Form to “Position Manager”. Form location: Manager selects Director as “Next to approve” 2 If Director does not approve, sends back to Manager with comments. If Director approves, selects VP as the “Next to Approve” 3 If VP does not approve, sends back to Director with comments. If VP approves, select Liaison as “Next to Approve”. Refer to Liaison list. 4 Liaison reviews requisition and justification for completeness. If complete, HR schedules Manager/Director to present at the next Requisition Review committee meeting. (Committee meetings are scheduled weekly) Liaison will contact Hiring Manager if Committee needs additional information. 5 Senior Executive team reviews committee recommendation. If Sr Exec team approves request, position will be posted within 7 days of Committee meeting.
Temporary/Agency Request 1 Hiring Manager creates requisition in “Position Manager” selecting Temporary. Answer all justification questions in “Position Manager” or attach Justification Form in “Position Manager.” Form location: Manager selects Director as “Next to approve” 2 If Director approves, selects VP as “Next to Approve” If Director does not approve, sends back to Manager with comments. 3 If VP does not approve, sends back to Director with comments. If VP approves, selects Liaison as “Next to Approve” 4 Liaison selects “Requisition Review” as “ Next to Approve” Requisition and supporting documents will be reviewed at the next committee meeting. Committee meets weekly. Manager does not attend committee meeting. Liaison will contact Hiring Manager if Committee needs additional information. 5 Rightsourcing will contact Hiring Manager. Temporary Requisition will be cancelled in “Position Manager” by HR Analyst.
Hiring Manager – At any point in time you can check the status of your requisition by opening “Position Manager” and clicking on the requisition. This example shows the routing of the requsition and when it was posted.