INTRODUCTION Definition Colorless, odorless, nontoxic gas cause reduce anxiety and fear with inhalation of oxygen/nitrous oxide gas mixtures in low conc. of 20-50% nitrous Background Discovered in 1776 by Joseph Priestley (highly pleasurable thrilling) 1799 Humphry Davy, used in surgical field 1844 Mr Horace Wells of Hartford USA dental surgeon, introduce as an anesthetic agent
INDCATIONS Indications of Inhalation Sedation 1.Easy dental anxiety 2.Hypnotic state 3.Increase tolerance to long appt. 4.Increase the pain reaction threshold 5.Marked gag reflex 6.Minor oral surgery procedures 7.Enhance effect of sedative premeditation
CONTRAINDICATIONS Contraindication of Inhalation Sedation 1.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (bronchitis) 2.Upper respiratory tract infection 3.Otitis media 4.Severe emotional disturbance
ADVANTGES & DISADVANTES Advantages 1.Rapid onset and recovery time- low plasma solubility 2.Ease of dose control 3.Lack of serious adverse effects-nausea Disadvantages 1.Weak agent 2.Lack of patient acceptance 3.Inconvenience-maxillary 4.Potential chronic toxicity 5.Potentiation 6.Equipment
Clinical techniques
Adverse Effects
Protection for Hazard