Making sense of children’s rights in interprofessional settings An exploration of professional understandings of and approaches to children’s rights in.


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Presentation transcript:

Making sense of children’s rights in interprofessional settings An exploration of professional understandings of and approaches to children’s rights in interprofessional settings and the implications for education for interprofessional practice Margaret Boushel

Research questions How do child welfare professionals working in interprofessional settings make sense of children’s rights? How do other participants – children and parents – make sense of children’s rights in these settings? What do these professionals and other participants do about children’s rights? How do these understandings and practices shape and get shaped by interprofessional processes? What are the implications for professional education for interprofessional practice?

‘A code for living.' Importance of rights to children Importance of rights for children

Why now? UNCRC and UK commitment Civil rights and citizenship ECHR and HRA 1998 Child welfare policy developments

Why now? ‘This period has seen a greater improvement in our democracy and people’s sense of rights than at any time since the development of the franchise between 1832 and But the difference is: that took a century, this has taken a decade.’ Jack Straw (The Guardian, 12th December 2007: 28)

From aspiration to legislation UK responses to the UNCRC Impact of HRA on children’s rights Conflicts & contradictions across the UK within child & family services

UNCRC concluding observations October 2008 ‘..the committee is concerned that there is no systematic awareness-raising about the Convention and that the level of knowledge about it among children, parents or professionals working with children is low’. (CRC/C/GBR/CO/4, p.5). ‘It also recommends the reinforcement of adequate and systematic training of all professional groups working with children…..’ (p.5)

From policy to practice ‘Good legislation not being followed through in practice and good practice not being supported by legislation are real obstacles to the realisation of children’s human rights in England.’ (CRAE 2009, ‘What Do They Know’, p.8) Workforce development and professional education Inter-professional practice and education

UNCRC Common Core definition The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 20 November It identifies that children need special care and protection and that the family is the main form of protection for children. It emphasises the need for legal protection for the child before and after birth and the importance of respecting the cultural values of a child’s community. It emphasises the important role that international co-operation can play in achieving children’s rights.’ ( Common Core, p.29 )

Children’s rights – what do we mean? Conceptual see-saws generation fairness capacity

Conceptual see-saws Generation Childhood Adulthood Fairness Justice Care Incompetence Capacity Competence

Methodology Ethnographic Complementary sources Iterative process Ethical considerations

Research design -1 Stage 1 –Understanding setting –Senior management interviews –Children’s and parents’ focus groups –CAF and CIN record gathering Stage 2 - CAF Lead Professional interviews -Critical incident keyworker interviews -CAF and CIN record analysis

Research design -2 Stage 3 - Professional focus groups - Children’s and parents’ focus groups - Data analysis Stage 4 - HEI educators focus group - Final analysis and write up

The story so far Research ethics committees Children’s participation Organisational contexts Some initial responses